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Поставил Delphi 10.4 - не могу скомпилировать приложение под Android
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- delphi 10.4.2
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i'm using delphi fmx for building android App
i have this code for Activating The WI-FI icon from android device:
This could be found here .
=========== code ==================
procedure SetWifiEnabled (AEnable: Boolean); var Obj: JObject; WifiManager: JWifiManager; begin Obj: = SharedActivityContext.getSystemService (TJContext.JavaClass.WIFI_SERVICE); if Obj = nil then Exit; WifiManager: = TJWifiManager.Wrap ((Obj as ILocalObject) .GetObjectID); WifiManager.setWifiEnabled (AEnable); end;
My question is About Activating Android location:
Is it possible to activate the service location icon from android device
programatically without using the Location or TLocationSensor component ....?
however I know exactly that google has been Deactivate this API since android "4" just for security reasons .....
but i have seen many apps in playstore can activate the service without using
this code here ask the user for activate the location manually ....
procedure TForm1.GPSSettings; {$IFDEF ANDROID} var Intent: JIntent; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF ANDROID} Intent := TJIntent.Create; Intent := TJIntent.JavaClass.init(TJSettings.JavaClass.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivity(Intent); {$ENDIF} end;
in other versions like lolipopup can show just the Allow Permission system dialog timer ....( Asking the user for Allowing this App to Activate the service location ......)
I have an android device with lolipopup version and i try to execute the location EMBARCADERO sample but
this one can not activate the service location ICON even my device show me the Allow permission dialog where i choose yes allow
with never ASK....
Finally , I like the WI-FI code above .....
and i'm wondering if someone here can do this task for me (i need a unit as the WI-FI code above which can offer me
the option to activate the Service Location ICON )
I'm ready to paid for that task .....
Sincerelly: Brave.
i need help
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