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Brovin Yaroslav

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Весь контент Brovin Yaroslav

  1. На самом деле такой компонент у меня есть, но я его не публиковал, так как не довел до релизного состояния. Постараюсь доделать и выложить.
  2. В RX нужно изменить создание презентации. Я обновил свою статью недели две назад по этому поводу: Новый подход разработки компонентов FireMonkey “Контрол – Модель – Презентация”. Часть 2. TEdit с автозавершением. В новой версии можно полностью убрать класс прокси TStyledAutocompleteEditProxy и регистрировать презентацию так: TPresentationProxyFactory.Current.Register('Edit-style', TStyledPresentationProxy<TStyledAutoCompleteEdit>); Или просто заменить код: { TStyledAutocompleteEditProxy } function TStyledAutocompleteEditProxy.CreateReceiver: TObject; begin Result := TStyledAutocompleteEdit.Create(nil); end; на { TStyledAutocompleteEditProxy } function TStyledAutocompleteEditProxy.CreateReceiver: TObject; begin Result := TStyledAutocompleteEdit.Create(nil, Model, PresentedControl); end;
  3. DBArtisan and Rapid SQL 2016 are here! -- Join the Revolution! DBArtisan & Rapid SQL 2016 are available today with a new, collaborative, team-connected environment and a revolutionary new performance solution called Performance IQ that you must see. Put an end to siloed database development and administration Historically, DBAs and developers have worked in highly siloed environments which don't facilitate shared knowledge and resources. With new DB Team Server in DBArtisan and Rapid SQL 2016, you get the shared resources, analytics communication and collaboration links that have been completely in database tools - an industry first! Introducing Performance IQ Other DBMS performance products provide comprehensive metrics on database performance. However simply showing metrics is no longer good enough. NEW Performance IQ provides a deep investigative probe into the underlying causes of the performance degradation and visually highlights the root causes. Alerts and hints are integrated seamlessly across DB Artisan and Rapid SQL features that you already use. Join the Revolution and Get Started Today Download DBArtisan 2016 Download Rapid SQL 2016 Key Enhancements for DBArtisan and Rapid SQL 2016 with Performance IQ: Embedded Performance Metrics & Analytics SQL Analytics 24/7 Wait-based Monitoring & Alerting Streamlined Communication and Knowledge Sharing with DB Team Server Register for the launch webinar on Monday, 28 September 2015 08:00 San Francisco | 11:00 New York | 16:00 London | 17:00 Berlin | 18:00 Istanbul to learn more and see the new features for this release! Embarcadero Technologies' DB PowerStudio and ER/Studio are industry-leading database management and modeling tool suites that help thousands of organizations and database professionals effectively manage their data across the entire ecosystem, from modeling and management to development and optimization. Просмотр полной статьи
  4. Прочитать всю новость целиком на сайте Embarcadero
  5. DBArtisan 2016®, Rapid SQL® 2016, plus new advanced add-on capabilities for SQL performance management are now available SAN FRANCISCO – September 22, 2015 – Embarcadero Technologies, a leading provider of software solutions for application and database development, today unveiled DB PowerStudio® 2016, a suite of award-winning database tools that provides database managers (DBAs) and data professionals with comprehensive administration, development, performance and monitoring capabilities across multiple platforms to increase productivity, boost database performance, and improve availability. DB PowerStudio 2016 features new performance insights and is fully integrated with the included DB Team Server, the industry’s first team-connected solution for database professionals with shared repositories, health statistics, and collaboration and communication between team members and roles. The DB PowerStudio 2016 suite includes DBArtisan® 2016, a team-enabled, cross-platform solution for database administration, monitoring and performance; and Rapid SQL® 2016, the industry’s only intelligent SQL IDE that enables developers and DBAs to create high-performing SQL on all databases using a single interface. The new Performance IQ add-on brings performance management capabilities to DBArtisan 2016 and Rapid SQL 2016. Database professionals struggling with endless performance issues can now gain deep insights to proactively manage and troubleshoot performance bottlenecks. “Simply seeing database performance metrics is no longer enough. Data professionals need insights in real-time in the tools they use everyday to help prevent performance and storage-related problems; highlight trends and object growth over time; and pinpoint performance bottlenecks,” says Michael Swindell, Senior Vice President of Products at Embarcadero. “DB PowerStudio 2016 takes database management and development further than ever with integrated SQL performance management, team-enabled collaboration, and monitored statistics such as database health to deliver the visibility that data professionals need to ensure their databases run fast, consistently, and without surprises. DB PowerStudio 2016 revolutionizes cross-platform database management performance by enabling operational integrity, data consistency, and team collaboration and awareness in the most complex environments.” New SQL Optimization Technology for High-performance Database Management: Available as an option for DBArtisan 2016 and Rapid SQL 2016, Performance IQ monitors database instances 24/7, determines the underlying cause of performance degradation and visually highlights the root cause for all major areas of DBMS performance. Benefits and features include: Deeper database insights: Embedded performance metrics and analytics enable users to quickly understand the top SQL statements impacting IO, table and index growth history and the effect of noisy neighbors, offering huge time savings. SQL analytics: A SQL editor shows how SQL has performed over time in its various revisions and why performance variances are occurring; constantly provides on-the-fly SQL hints (powered by Performance IQ) alerting a user as to how column cardinality or data skew may affect the performance of a SQL statement; and, suggests new indexes when SQL performance would benefit from such additions. 24/7 Wait-based monitoring and alerting: New 24/7 wait-based observations help DBAs proactively understand and manage their database environment. “Time travel” allows users to rapidly to dissect past issues as they occurred, as well as more fully understand deviations from the normal trends. A user-configurable alerting ensures there are no surprises. Centralized Database Management, Collaboration and Alerting: DB PowerStudio 2016 features DB Team Server, a revolutionary collaborative platform for DBAs that provides a holistic view of the enterprise database landscape to better manage and analyze corporate data assets. DB Team Server offers basic monitoring and alert notifications that improve responsiveness with instant insights into availability, performance and storage. Streamlined communication and access to various repositories such as shared data sources, basic health metrics and passwords, enhance knowledge sharing and improve communications by providing easy access to corporate database knowledge, including specialized scripts, notes and internal discussion topics. “DBAs and SQL developers have typically worked with highly siloed tools which do not facilitate collaboration, and shared resources preventing enterprises from getting the most out of their data. DB Team Server is the link that’s been missing from database tools. Team Server is included and fully integrated into DBArtisan and Rapid SQL 2016, delivering team collaboration, resource sharing, and database health and performance awareness right in the tools DBA and SQL Developers use everyday,” adds Swindell. DB Optimizer® 2016, a SQL profiling and tuning utility for improved SQL code performance, and DB Change Manager® 2016, a schema and data synchronization toolset, are also featured in today’s roll out of DB PowerStudio 2016. Availability: DBArtisan 2016, Rapid SQL 2016, DB Optimizer 2016, and Change Manager 2016 are available immediately from Embarcadero. Performance IQ is also now available as an add-on for DBArtisan 2016 and Rapid SQL 2016. Free trials can be found at: http://www.embarcadero.com/downloads Tweet This: DB PowerStudio® 2016 unveiled today by @EmbarcaderoTech; 2016 versions of DBArtisan® and Rapid SQL® now available http://embt.co/1hyGOXn About Embarcadero Technologies Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. is a leading provider of award-winning tools for application developers and database professionals so they can design systems right, build them faster and run them better, regardless of their platform or programming language. Ninety of the Fortune 100 and an active community of more than three million users worldwide rely on Embarcadero products to increase productivity, reduce costs, simplify change management and compliance, and accelerate innovation. Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices located around the world. To learn more, please visit www.embarcadero.com. Просмотр полной статьи
  6. Прочитать всю новость целиком на сайте Embarcadero
  7. Да, можете вызывать Release. Кстати, caFree, как раз и вызывает Release. Так что я даже не знаю, если вы сказали, что этот вариант вам не подошел.
  8. И еще код самого релиза на уровне TFmxObject: procedure TFmxObject.Release; begin if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin if vPurgatory <> nil then begin Parent := nil; vPurgatory.Add(self); Include(FObjectState, CallingRelease); end else raise EInvalidOperation.CreateFMT(SNotInstance, ['TPurgatory']); if (Application <> nil) and (Action <> nil) then Application.UnregisterActionClient(Self); end; end; vPurgatory - это объект удаляющий объект по истечении определенного интервала времени.
  9. Вообще Release. Он выполняет отложенное удаление формы через н-ое количество милисекунд. Поэтому по идеи: Вызываем Release, Очищаем ссылки на форму (обнуляем ваши переменные/поля, держащие форму) Ядерная комбинация: FormObject.Release; FormObject.DisposeOf; FormObject := nil; Форму удаляет, но Release в этом случае не нужен. Это код метода Release. if not (TFmxFormState.Released in FFormState) then begin FWinService.ReleaseWindow(Self); Screen.RemoveForm(Self); FFormState := FFormState + [TFmxFormState.Released]; if TFmxFormState.Engaged in FormState then begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then FWinService.HideWindow(Self); end; inherited Release; TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SendMessage(Self, TFormReleasedMessage.Create); end;
  10. Что вы ожидаете увидеть при переключении режима с Docked на Drawer?
  11. Что именно на счет пропадания и Align?
  12. Андроид сервис не может работать с формами и UI. О чем указано в документации:
  13. Если удастся воспроизвести, обязательно скиньте мне проект. Я занимаюсь TMultiView.
  14. http://fire-monkey.ru/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=rss&type=forums&id=2
  15. Для ответов RSS нету. Но есть возможность выдавать темы отсортированные по дате последнего ответа. Возможно это вам хоть как-то поможет?
  16. Немного переработан внешний вид. Теперь можно просматривать темы и посты с поддержкой форматирования. Добавлен пункт меню просмотр последних тем.
  17. Можно поподробнее, а лучше демо проект?
  18. Чтобы любой класс можно было найти по имени, этот класс нужно вначале предварительно зарегистрировать через функцию RegisterClass. При отключении опции "Link with runtime pakages", ваше приложение включает в себя код rtl пакета. Поэтому при запуске вашего приложения, встроенный в приложение rtl пакет создает свои экземпляры хранилищ классов. Когда вы загружаете вашу библиотеку, она уже использует другой экземпляр rtl библиотеки (которая лежит вместе со средой IDE). В итоге получается две копии в памяти одной библиотеке. Но ваш пакет регистрирует ваш класс в одном хранилище, а приложение ищем в другом. Поэтому вы не можете найти ваш класс. Решение такое, вы должны поставлять потребителю, отдельно RTL пакет, отдельно ваш пакет, и ваше приложение (которое использует динамическую линковку rtl пакета)
  19. Ссылка: http://yaroslavbrovin.ru/tcalendar_with_highlight_days_based_on_default_tcalendar/ Автор: Ярослав Бровин В этой статье мы рассмотрим расширение функционала стандартного календаря TCalendar и добавим поддержку раскраски требуемых дней в календаре. Расширение будет продемонстрировано с использованием нового подхода разработки компонента в FireMonkey. В результате этой статьи вы получите готовый модуль, который будет достаточно добавить в ваш проект, чтобы использовать расширенную версию календаря с раскраской дней без необходимости создания отдельного компонента календаря.
  20. http://fire-monkey.ru/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=rss&type=forums&id=1 Вывод последних 50 тем.
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