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Brovin Yaroslav

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Весь контент Brovin Yaroslav

  1. ))))) Ну значит, не "сегодня/завтра выложу" Там было добавлено: Возможность ручного выбора стиля диалогов TfgProgressDialog, TfgActivityDialog, TfgActionSheet, Сделано пара улучшение в самой библиотеки, которые не сказываются на использование. Добавлены жесты в TfgFlipView. Добавлена опция ShowNavigationButtons для отображения/скрытия кнопок прокрутки слайдов Добавлено событие в TfgApplicationEvent для получения интентов из других приложений. Добавлены события OnShow, OnHide, OnItemClick для TfgActionSheet Если есть какие пожелания?, можно попробовать их добавить в новую версию.
  2. Записал вчера последний урок. Так что сегодня/завтра выложу новую версию FGX
  3. TThread.Synchronize; Вызывать из кода обработчика таймера Чтобы понять, как это происходит, нужно почитать о том, как работает UI Thread (например тут). В этой статье, как раз рассказывает, что такое лупер и как организуется "якобы многозадачность" (отрисовка, обработка событий и тд) в рамках одного треда. Синхронизация не передает контекст. В данном случае контекст привязан к потоку. Он является частью потока. Поэтому по сути, когда вы синхронизируете (по сути просто вызываете ваш код из лупера, то по сути вы уже работаете в контексте :-) Если заглянуть в исходники андроида: public final class Looper { // Вырезан код public static void loop() { final Looper me = myLooper(); if (me == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No Looper; Looper.prepare() wasn't called on this thread."); } final MessageQueue queue = me.mQueue; // Make sure the identity of this thread is that of the local process, // and keep track of what that identity token actually is. Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); for (;;) { Message msg = queue.next(); // might block if (msg == null) { // No message indicates that the message queue is quitting. return; } // This must be in a local variable, in case a UI event sets the logger Printer logging = me.mLogging; if (logging != null) { logging.println(">>>>> Dispatching to " + msg.target + " " + msg.callback + ": " + msg.what); } msg.target.dispatchMessage(msg); if (logging != null) { logging.println("<<<<< Finished to " + msg.target + " " + msg.callback); } // Make sure that during the course of dispatching the // identity of the thread wasn't corrupted. final long newIdent = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); if (ident != newIdent) { Log.wtf(TAG, "Thread identity changed from 0x" + Long.toHexString(ident) + " to 0x" + Long.toHexString(newIdent) + " while dispatching to " + msg.target.getClass().getName() + " " + msg.callback + " what=" + msg.what); } msg.recycleUnchecked(); } } ///------------------------------ } То есть по сути это просто бесконечный цикл, в котором из очереди вытаскиваются задания и выполняются по очереди. Как только возникает событие, оно просто складывается в очередь, и лупер в UI треде его просто обрабатывает. Когда вы вызываете TThread.Synchronize, то в конечном итоге ваш код завернется в сообщение, которое будет вызвано из этого куска кода
  4. Эта реализация с Posix таймерами работает в отдельном треде. Который никак не связан с джава и андроидом. Поэтому, если вы хотите работать с сенсорами, вам достаточно синхронизировать вызов с главным тредом.
  5. Скорее всего просто ваш класс итема не может найти стиль. Чтобы явно указать для класса, что нужно использовать дефолтный стиль "TreeViewItemStyle", нужно перекрыть метод GetDefaultStyleLookup и вернуть "TreeViewItemStyle"
  6. Supports Я полагаю, что он может не срабатывать, если компонент находится в режиме обновления BeginUPdate/EndUpdate, либо в процессе удаления, либо, если контрол пожелал отключить выравнивание DisableAlign
  7. Если компоненту меняют размер, то он сам в результате вызывает Realign у родителя (В случае если он сам использует какое-либо выравнивание.) А так вообще: (Control as IAlignRoot).Realign P.S. А лучше даже через функцию Supports
  8. Over the last few days, as we continue to execute on our global plans, we received some questions about our product Roadmap. Given that we have had two months since 10.1 Berlin, I think that it is appropriate to give a quick update. Our product managers will provide more details in the coming days and weeks and we are always available for 1:1 discussions with partners or customers. I personally find these very useful and energizing. In February, we provided a detailed view of our Product Roadmap… http://community.embarcadero.com/article/news/16211-embarcadero-rad-studio-2016-product-approach-and-roadmap-2. We continue to make excellent progress in all areas and the Roadmap remains largely unchanged. We are very happy with 10.1 Berlin. We could have made even more progress towards the IDE evolution, but we have received very positive feedback so far, so progress in most areas is great. As we expand the use of IDERA’s R&D Network (100s of developers around the world) we will accelerate the effort to deliver on this Roadmap. The development processes are different from what Embarcadero has used in the past (more structured outsourcing) and there is always room for improvement, but the progress to-date with VCL updates and other projects has instilled the team with confidence that we can continue to deliver on all product objectives. There are some nuances to the Roadmap that are interesting to note. I am even happier with the team’s decision to support the Linux development and push forward as aggressively as possible without compromising on quality. This is based on many, many customer and partner discussions. Allowing for a more robust and flexible back-end (more APIs and platforms) is critical to opening the architecture of Delphi applications. This is aligned with our investment in RAD Server, an effort that we plan to continue. The product team strongly believes that making Delphi applications easier to integrate with different dev technologies (e.g. JS clients) will be beneficial for Delphi developers, and removes the “niche” classification that has constrained us in the past. This is not an overnight transformation, but we are ready and able to invest in product to support this strategic direction. Another nuance that is important is our commitment to be more open and collaborative with our existing community of tech partners (different from our R&D Network). I have seen many amazing tech components built by our partners across the world. We need to make it easier for our customers to find and use these components. Especially in the mobile space, showcasing what developers can achieve with FMX is really exciting. This is aligned with the Roadmap published in February, but not something we called out specifically. There are technology and marketing aspects that will both continue to evolve in this area throughout the coming year. Finally our focus on expanding the user base is critical. In software, companies either grow or shrink. We are committed to growth! We are investing a lot in marketing to make sure that new developers are aware of our tools. Over the last quarter, we have touched over one million developers with marketing communications, in many cases several different communications. This process will take time, but the number of new customers even this quarter is encouraging. However, we will not be successful without product excellence and continued product investment, so our ability to deliver on and expand the Roadmap are key. I know that many of our MVPs and significant customers are not too shy to ask questions or criticize – It is critical for us to continue to receive this feedback, especially when this is specific to improving our products. Of course, we will not be able to address everything immediately, but our resources are expanding and our ability to accelerate high impact product improvements is going to be much better, so our confidence in the future of Embarcadero is high. Best, Atanas Просмотр полной статьи
  9. Добрый день, Не на русском, но ответ был: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE8/en/Creating_a_Keystore_File
  10. Здравствуйте, В стиле компонента TMultiView (MultiViewStyle), есть объект "DropLine", содержащий цвет этой линии. Просто задайте цвет Null и линия пропадет.
  11. FrameForge Previz Studio is the next winner of our Cool App Contest. Developed in Delphi for Windows, FrameForge is a 3D pre-visualization software package used to create storyboards for use in television, movies and other video production. It is really quite impressive and powerful. I think Luis Navarro, one of our fabulous MVPs and a Cool App contest judge said it great, “FrameForge is really impressive. I liked a lot of other apps in the contest, but FrameForge Previz Studio seems to be a top application in its market. It is a good example of the flexibility of Delphi. If someone can do this using Delphi, then anything can be done using Delphi.” I interviewed Ken Schafer, founder and Lead Program Architect of Innoventive Software about FrameForge and its use of Delphi. He provided a list of some of the components used in FrameForge: Our own DLL written in C++ that supplies all the core 3D OpenGL environment AlphaTools -- Skinning Eurekalog - Trace-log and Exception Tracking GExperts and CNWizards - IDE Plug-ins ImageEn - Image Processing Library KaZip and VCLZip -- Compression Libraries TIEHTTPS -- Internet library WP Tools - Word Processing Engine He also mentioned a few shows that FrameForge was used on . . . Downton Abbey Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Flash Pirates of the Caribbean Merlin CSI Leverage Carmen in 3D at the Royal Opera House Orphan Black Downton Abbey and Carmen in 3D and the only shows on the list that I have not seen, yet. [YoutubeButton url='https://youtu.be/PIDlpxdXiY4'] Просмотр полной статьи
  12. FrameForge Previz Studio is the next winner of our Cool App Contest. Developed in Delphi for Windows, FrameForge is a 3D pre-visualization software package used to create storyboards for use in television, movies and other video production. It is really quite impressive and powerful. I think Luis Navarro, one of our fabulous MVPs and a Cool App contest judge said it great, “FrameForge is really impressive. I liked a lot of other apps in the contest, but FrameForge Previz Studio seems to be a top application in its market. It is a good example of the flexibility of Delphi. If someone can do this using Delphi, then anything can be done using Delphi.” I interviewed Ken Schafer, founder and Lead Program Architect of Innoventive Software about FrameForge and its use of Delphi. He provided a list of some of the components used in FrameForge: Our own DLL written in C++ that supplies all the core 3D OpenGL environment AlphaTools -- Skinning Eurekalog - Trace-log and Exception Tracking GExperts and CNWizards - IDE Plug-ins ImageEn - Image Processing Library KaZip and VCLZip -- Compression Libraries TIEHTTPS -- Internet library WP Tools - Word Processing Engine He also mentioned a few shows that use FrameForge . . . Downton Abbey Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Flash Pirates of the Caribbean Merlin CSI Leverage Carmen in 3D at the Royal Opera House Orphan Black Downton Abbey and Carmen in 3D and the only shows on the list that I have not seen, yet. [YoutubeButton url='https://youtu.be/PIDlpxdXiY4'] Просмотр полной статьи
  13. FrameForge Previz Studio is the next winner of our Cool App Contest. Developed in Delphi for Windows, FrameForge is a 3D pre-visualization software package used to create storyboards for use in television, movies and other video production. It is really quite impressive and powerful. I think Luis Navarro, one of our fabulous MVPs and a Cool App contest judge said it great, “FrameForge is really impressive. I liked a lot of other apps in the contest, but FrameForge Previz Studio seems to be a top application in its market. It is a good example of the flexibility of Delphi. If someone can do this using Delphi, then anything can be done using Delphi.” I interviewed Ken Schafer, founder and Lead Program Architect of Innoventive Software about FrameForge and its use of Delphi. He provided a list of some of the components used in FrameForge: Our own DLL written in C++ that supplies all the core 3D OpenGL environment AlphaTools -- Skinning Eurekalog - Trace-log and Exception Tracking GExperts and CNWizards - IDE Plug-ins ImageEn - Image Processing Library KaZip and VCLZip -- Compression Libraries TIEHTTPS -- Internet library WP Tools - Word Processing Engine He also mentioned a few shows that use FrameForge . . . Downton Abbey Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Flash Pirates of the Caribbean Merlin CSI Leverage Carmen in 3D at the Royal Opera House Orphan Black Downton Abbey and Carmen in 3D and the only shows on the list that I have not seen, yet. [Video coming soon] Просмотр полной статьи
  14. FrameForge Previz Studio is the next winner of our Cool App Contest. Developed in Delphi for Windows, FrameForge is a 3D pre-visualization software package used to create storyboards for use in television, movies and other video production. It is really quite impressive and powerful. I think Luis Navarro, one of our fabulous MVPs and a Cool App contest judge said it great, “FrameForge is really impressive. I liked a lot of other apps in the contest, but FrameForge Previz Studio seems to be a top application in its market. It is a good example of the flexibility of Delphi. If someone can do this using Delphi, then anything can be done using Delphi.” I interviewed Ken Schafer, founder and Lead Program Architect of Innoventive Software about FrameForge and its use of Delphi. He provided a list of some of the components used in FrameForge: Our own DLL written in C++ that supplies all the core 3D OpenGL environment AlphaTools -- Skinning Eurekalog - Trace-log and Exception Tracking GExperts and CNWizards - IDE Plug-ins ImageEn - Image Processing Library KaZip and VCLZip -- Compression Libraries TIEHTTPS -- Internet library WP Tools - Word Processing Engine He also mentioned a few shows that FrameForge was used on . . . Downton Abbey Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Flash Pirates of the Caribbean Merlin CSI Leverage Carmen in 3D at the Royal Opera House Orphan Black Downton Abbey and Carmen in 3D and the only shows on the list that I have not seen, yet. [YoutubeButton url='https://youtu.be/PIDlpxdXiY4'] Просмотр полной статьи
  15. Главные отличия: TPath - примитив без стиля, TPathLabel - стилизируемый TPath TPathLabel позволяет через стиль задать цвет цвет заливки пути. Это главное его отличие.
  16. Если что, я посмотрел немного исходников. И вот он не
  17. Записал три урока по созданию стилей для компонентов TListBox, TTreeView, TComboBox. В планах урок по полям ввода.

  18. EMBARCADERO WEEKLY ROUND-UP FOR DEVELOPERS This week’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Spotlight – Germán Estévez Germán is an analyst and programmer from Barcelona, Spain. He studied programming at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. While he's programming in a wide variety of languages, Delphi captivates much of his attention. A Delphi programmer since Delphi 3, he is also working on persistence frameworks for Oracle, SQLServer, InterBase and Firebird. He is a moderator and administrator on the Spanish forums ClubDelphi. You can also find him on Stack Overflow. READ MORE Variable Item Height with TListView in 10.1 Berlin - Sarina DuPont We have a great new demo that shows you how to calculate text dimensions and how to dynamically adjust the item height in a ListView so that the text fits inside. When ListView items are just being created, the drawable objects that comprise the visual presentation of the content are not created immediately. This usually happens when the ListView is being painted for the first time... READ MORE Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole - Marco Cantù As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. READ MORE Build Online and Offline Chat Bots with AIML for FireMonkey in Delphi 10.1 Berlin on Android and IOS - FMX Express All of the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft seem to be building bots these days with Alexa (Amazon Echo), Cortana (Windows 10), Siri, Viv, Facebook Messenger bots, and Google Home. You can get in on the chat bot building frenzy with Firemonkey in Delphi Berlin using an upgraded version of PascAlice. READ MORE Getting Started with C++ programming - the videos, articles, examples and docs - David I. It is great to hear from developers who want to learn a new programming language. Some of you may know that I am a programming language and compiler junkie and have been one for the past 46 years ever since I wrote my first program in Fortran... I recently received an email from a developer who had Algol and C# programming experience and wanted to get started with C++ programming using C++Builder. Here are the notes and links I sent back in response. I hope these links will also help other developers get started with modern C++ programming... READ MORE Delphi Tip – When the debugger fails to attach to an Android app - Craig Chapman Sometimes, if your application fails during start-up, the RAD Studio debugger can fail to attach making it difficult to debug the problem. So what should you do? The debugger usually has plenty of time to attach to the android process because the FMX start-up code takes sufficient time to load. There are occasions when this can fail... READ MORE Get the new Powered By, Built With and Built For Logos - Jim McKeeth The Embarcadero Cool App contest is showing a lot of very cool apps that are built with Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio, InterBase and FireMonkey. So we've created some new graphics you can use to proudly show off your favorite development tool. READ MORE Package Magician v1.0.3 - Uwe Raabe Those of you who use Package Magician (and probably those who don’t yet) may be interested to know that I have uploaded a new version V1.0.3 with the following fixes and enhancements. READ MORE Use Supersampling for offscreen bitmaps on Delphi Mobile - Thomas Grubb A common method for painting drawings is to draw to an offscreen bitmap and then draw the bitmap to your canvas (say a TPaintBox) as needed. This is generally used when you create a drawing that does not change often; drawing once to an offscreen bitmap and then as needed on repaints to the real canvas can be very efficient. However... READ MORE Snapping Windows to monitor halves / quadrants - Thomas Mueller You probably know about the Windows 7+ feature to snap a window to the left or right side of the monitor via Windows+Left / Windows+Right hotkey. You might even know that Windows 10 extended this to snap a window to the top or bottom and even to one of the quadrants of your monitor. READ MORE Submitting Apps to Mobile Stores - Marco Cantù A video fragment of last week Mobile Development webinar with my portion of the recording, covering submitting apps to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, is available on YouTube. While it is not a detailed step by step tutorial -- that could take hours -- it highlights the main steps and issues when submitting mobile apps built with RAD Studio to the two most popular app stores. WATCH NOW Last Chance! Upgrade Price - Up To 45% Off! Be on the latest version for a fraction of the price! Special upgrade offer for owners of older editions of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Registered users of any earlier version of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder can purchase 10.1 Berlin at the Upgrade price as long as they purchase before June 20, 2016. READ MORE Last Chance! Buy Delphi or C++Builder Professional and receive the Mobile Add-on Pack with Update Subscription for FREE! Special price includes: • Delphi or C++Builder Professional license • Mobile Add-on Pack • One year of Update Subscription Discount good through June 20, 2016. READ MORE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · RESOURCES · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Просмотр полной статьи
  19. EMBARCADERO WEEKLY ROUND-UP FOR DEVELOPERS This week’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Spotlight – Germán Estévez Germán is an analyst and programmer from Barcelona, Spain. He studied programming at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. While he's programming in a wide variety of languages, Delphi captivates much of his attention. A Delphi programmer since Delphi 3, he is also working on persistence frameworks for Oracle, SQLServer, InterBase and Firebird. He is a moderator and administrator on the Spanish forums ClubDelphi. You can also find him on Stack Overflow. READ MORE Variable Item Height with TListView in 10.1 Berlin - Sarina DuPont We have a great new demo that shows you how to calculate text dimensions and how to dynamically adjust the item height in a ListView so that the text fits inside. When ListView items are just being created, the drawable objects that comprise the visual presentation of the content are not created immediately. This usually happens when the ListView is being painted for the first time... READ MORE Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole - Marco Cantù As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. READ MORE Build Online and Offline Chat Bots with AIML for FireMonkey in Delphi 10.1 Berlin on Android and IOS - FMX Express All of the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft seem to be building bots these days with Alexa (Amazon Echo), Cortana (Windows 10), Siri, Viv, Facebook Messenger bots, and Google Home. You can get in on the chat bot building frenzy with Firemonkey in Delphi Berlin using an upgraded version of PascAlice. READ MORE Getting Started with C++ programming - the videos, articles, examples and docs - David I. It is great to hear from developers who want to learn a new programming language. Some of you may know that I am a programming language and compiler junkie and have been one for the past 46 years ever since I wrote my first program in Fortran... I recently received an email from a developer who had Algol and C# programming experience and wanted to get started with C++ programming using C++Builder. Here are the notes and links I sent back in response. I hope these links will also help other developers get started with modern C++ programming... READ MORE Delphi Tip – When the debugger fails to attach to an Android app - Craig Chapman Sometimes, if your application fails during start-up, the RAD Studio debugger can fail to attach making it difficult to debug the problem. So what should you do? The debugger usually has plenty of time to attach to the android process because the FMX start-up code takes sufficient time to load. There are occasions when this can fail... READ MORE Get the new Powered By, Built With and Built For Logos - Jim McKeeth The Embarcadero Cool App contest is showing a lot of very cool apps that are built with Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio, InterBase and FireMonkey. So we've created some new graphics you can use to proudly show off your favorite development tool. READ MORE Package Magician v1.0.3 - Uwe Raabe Those of you who use Package Magician (and probably those who don’t yet) may be interested to know that I have uploaded a new version V1.0.3 with the following fixes and enhancements. READ MORE Use Supersampling for offscreen bitmaps on Delphi Mobile - Thomas Grubb A common method for painting drawings is to draw to an offscreen bitmap and then draw the bitmap to your canvas (say a TPaintBox) as needed. This is generally used when you create a drawing that does not change often; drawing once to an offscreen bitmap and then as needed on repaints to the real canvas can be very efficient. However... READ MORE Snapping Windows to monitor halves / quadrants - Thomas Mueller You probably know about the Windows 7+ feature to snap a window to the left or right side of the monitor via Windows+Left / Windows+Right hotkey. You might even know that Windows 10 extended this to snap a window to the top or bottom and even to one of the quadrants of your monitor. READ MORE Submitting Apps to Mobile Stores - Marco Cantù A video fragment of last week Mobile Development webinar with my portion of the recording, covering submitting apps to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, is available on YouTube. While it is not a detailed step by step tutorial -- that could take hours -- it highlights the main steps and issues when submitting mobile apps built with RAD Studio to the two most popular app stores. WATCH NOW Last Chance! Upgrade Price - Up To 45% Off! Be on the latest version for a fraction of the price! Special upgrade offer for owners of older editions of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Registered users of any earlier version of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder can purchase 10.1 Berlin at the Upgrade price as long as they purchase before June 20, 2016. READ MORE Last Chance! Buy Delphi or C++Builder Professional and receive the Mobile Add-on Pack with Update Subscription for FREE! Special price includes: • Delphi or C++Builder Professional license • Mobile Add-on Pack • One year of Update Subscription Discount good through June 20, 2016. READ MORE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · RESOURCES · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Просмотр полной статьи
  20. EMBARCADERO WEEKLY ROUND-UP FOR DEVELOPERS This week’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Spotlight – Germán Estévez Germán is an analyst and programmer from Barcelona, Spain. He studied programming at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. While he's programming in a wide variety of languages, Delphi captivates much of his attention. A Delphi programmer since Delphi 3, he is also working on persistence frameworks for Oracle, SQLServer, InterBase and Firebird. He is a moderator and administrator on the Spanish forums ClubDelphi. You can also find him on Stack Overflow. READ MORE Variable Item Height with TListView in 10.1 Berlin - Sarina DuPont We have a great new demo that shows you how to calculate text dimensions and how to dynamically adjust the item height in a ListView so that the text fits inside. When ListView items are just being created, the drawable objects that comprise the visual presentation of the content are not created immediately. This usually happens when the ListView is being painted for the first time... READ MORE Closing the Class Helpers Private Access Loophole - Marco Cantù As many of you know, Embarcadero made a change to the Delphi compiler in 10.1 Berlin to close an existing bug that allowed access to private data of any class via a class helper. Developers who were leveraging this hack would need a migration strategy. READ MORE Build Online and Offline Chat Bots with AIML for FireMonkey in Delphi 10.1 Berlin on Android and IOS - FMX Express All of the big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft seem to be building bots these days with Alexa (Amazon Echo), Cortana (Windows 10), Siri, Viv, Facebook Messenger bots, and Google Home. You can get in on the chat bot building frenzy with Firemonkey in Delphi Berlin using an upgraded version of PascAlice. READ MORE Getting Started with C++ programming - the videos, articles, examples and docs - David I. It is great to hear from developers who want to learn a new programming language. Some of you may know that I am a programming language and compiler junkie and have been one for the past 46 years ever since I wrote my first program in Fortran... I recently received an email from a developer who had Algol and C# programming experience and wanted to get started with C++ programming using C++Builder. Here are the notes and links I sent back in response. I hope these links will also help other developers get started with modern C++ programming... READ MORE Delphi Tip – When the debugger fails to attach to an Android app - Craig Chapman Sometimes, if your application fails during start-up, the RAD Studio debugger can fail to attach making it difficult to debug the problem. So what should you do? The debugger usually has plenty of time to attach to the android process because the FMX start-up code takes sufficient time to load. There are occasions when this can fail... READ MORE Get the new Powered By, Built With and Built For Logos - Jim McKeeth The Embarcadero Cool App contest is showing a lot of very cool apps that are built with Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio, InterBase and FireMonkey. So we've created some new graphics you can use to proudly show off your favorite development tool. READ MORE Package Magician v1.0.3 - Uwe Raabe Those of you who use Package Magician (and probably those who don’t yet) may be interested to know that I have uploaded a new version V1.0.3 with the following fixes and enhancements. READ MORE Use Supersampling for offscreen bitmaps on Delphi Mobile - Thomas Grubb A common method for painting drawings is to draw to an offscreen bitmap and then draw the bitmap to your canvas (say a TPaintBox) as needed. This is generally used when you create a drawing that does not change often; drawing once to an offscreen bitmap and then as needed on repaints to the real canvas can be very efficient. However... READ MORE Snapping Windows to monitor halves / quadrants - Thomas Mueller You probably know about the Windows 7+ feature to snap a window to the left or right side of the monitor via Windows+Left / Windows+Right hotkey. You might even know that Windows 10 extended this to snap a window to the top or bottom and even to one of the quadrants of your monitor. READ MORE Submitting Apps to Mobile Stores - Marco Cantù A video fragment of last week Mobile Development webinar with my portion of the recording, covering submitting apps to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, is available on YouTube. While it is not a detailed step by step tutorial -- that could take hours -- it highlights the main steps and issues when submitting mobile apps built with RAD Studio to the two most popular app stores. WATCH NOW Last Chance! Upgrade Price - Up To 45% Off! Be on the latest version for a fraction of the price! Special upgrade offer for owners of older editions of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Registered users of any earlier version of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder can purchase 10.1 Berlin at the Upgrade price as long as they purchase before June 20, 2016. READ MORE Last Chance! Buy Delphi or C++Builder Professional and receive the Mobile Add-on Pack with Update Subscription for FREE! Special price includes: • Delphi or C++Builder Professional license • Mobile Add-on Pack • One year of Update Subscription Discount good through June 20, 2016. READ MORE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · RESOURCES · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Просмотр полной статьи
  21. Добрый день, Для того, чтобы сделать выделение праздничных дат, воспользуйтесь статьёй, предложенной ZuBy. А чтобы сделать такой вид календаря, как у вас. Сделайте новый стиль календаря. За основу можете взять и отредактировать стиль календаря для Андроида.
  22. Файлы настроек хранятся в каталоге /data/data/имя_пакета/shared_prefs/имя_файла_настроек.xml
  23. The Embarcadero Cool App contest is showing a lot of very cool apps that are built with Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio, InterBase and FireMonkey. So we've created some new graphics you can use to proudly show off your favorite development tool. You can use the Built With or Powered By logos to highlight apps that use one of our products. Then the Built For ones are for those amazing tools, apps or libraries that are designed to work with our products. Let me know if there are other variations of these images that you need and enter your cool apps in the contest so you can win $2000 credit towards your next purchase. A new winner is announced every month! C++Builder Delphi FireMonkey InterBase RAD Studio Просмотр полной статьи
  24. EMBARCADERO WEEKLY ROUND-UP FOR DEVELOPERS This week’s Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Spotlight – WarrenPostma Warren Postma is a Software Developer who loves Delphi, C#, Objective-C, Python, JavaScript, and lots of other stuff. Warren is an active member (and presenter) of the Toronto Delphi UserGroup (TDUG). He also loves Amateur Radio (call-sign VE3WPX), and is into woodworking and tools. He lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, His blog post is called “Delphi Code Monkey”. You can find more information about Warren on LinkedIN. READ MORE 13 Amazing Component Sets Driving Success In Delphi Berlin On Android And IOS - Eli M. There are quite a few Firemonkey component sets available for Delphi Berlin which can get you ahead of the game when developing for Android and IOS. Think of component developers as another part of your team: they do the foundation work for you so you can focus on the actual functionality. Here are thirteen of these component set developers which give you... READ MORE Session Recordings from the recent Barnsten "Delphi Benelux 2016 Congress" in Eindhoven Below you will find links to two of the presentation recording given at the recent Delphi Benelux 2016 Congress in Eindhoven. The conference was organized by our Embarcadero reseller partner Barnsten. All of the presentations were recorded and will appear on the Barnsten YouTube channel. The agenda for the Delphi event can be found at http://www.barnsten.com. The presenters included Stephen Ball (Embarcadero), Danny Wind (the Delphi Company), Pawel Glowacki (Embarcadero) and Bob Swart (Dr. Bob). Multi RAD Device Development - presentation by Stephen Ball, Embarcadero Technologies Go Multitier with DataSnap and RESTful API's - presentation by Danny Wind of the Delphi company READ MORE UI Design Tips and Tricks: Home Screen Navigation - Sarina DuPont During our recent RAD Server webinar, we showed you how to develop and deploy a real world customer retail application... In today's blog post, I wanted to describe the steps for creating the Home Screen design seen on the first tab of the application. Home screens are a popular design paradigm as they display the key app functionality on the first screen, making it easily accessible to the application user. READ MORE FireMonkey and the Android Misconception - Jim McKeeth There have been a number of improvements to the compiler and the FireMonkey framework. Also the landscape of Android devices continues to evolve and change. Yet I still run into people who believe that FireMonkey still only runs on a small subset of devices. I thought I would provide an update and set the record straight. READ MORE Recent C++ blog posts worth reading and my CppCon2016 presentation submissions - David I. I've submitted two session proposals to the upcoming CppCon2016, the C++ Conference... As part of my presentation research, I have been reading a lot of C++ blog posts and articles. Out of the many articles, here are just a few (of the many great posts) that are definitely worth reading... READ MORE What is Delphi’s DNA? - Jim McKeeth I was chatting with someone today who was less familiar with Delphi. He asked what is it about Delphi that makes so many people continue to love it. I thought I would share my answer and see what everyone else thinks... READ MORE MidaConverter v5.5 is now available from MidaConverter.com - adds support for RAD Studio Berlin MidaConverter, the VCL to FireMonkey project converter, has announced the release of version 5.5 with support for RAD Studio Berlin. READ MORE The other choices can you make after you've used the RAD Studio Berlin Feature Installer - David I. I received a nice email from a developer in Canada this week. He asked "My computer is running Windows 8.1 French but I always install my development IDEs in English. I just installed 10.1 Berlin using the web installer and the IDE installed in french. I saw no language selection option during the install process (did I miss it?) Is there a way to change the IDE language after installation? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall ? If yes, where is the option to force it to install the IDE in English? I replied with the following information... READ MORE Webinar replay is available - Getting Started Building Mobile Applications for iOS and Android This webinar shows you how to build mobile applications for iOS and Android using Delphi and C++Builder 10.1 Berlin. We will cover getting started, best practices for mobile UI/UX, building your first app, using FireUI Live Preview, creating custom design views and Live Previews, a real world example of creating, submitting and getting store acceptance for an iOS and Android app, working with databases, what’s new for mobile development and more. WATCH NOW Upcoming webinar: June 16 Webinar - RAD Server Application Deep Dive - Creating a Department Store Retail Solution During this webinar you'll learn how to develop and deploy a real world Department Store Retail application using Embarcadero RAD Server. The client app runs on smartphones and the server side executes on IIS production servers on premises and on Amazon. READ MORE Delphi Developer Days 2016 with Nick Hodges and Cary Jensen Delphi Developer Days are intense, two-day training events focusing on Delphi, the cross-platform, rapid application development platform from Embarcadero Technologies - coming to Chicago (Nov 14-15), Copenhagen (Nov 24-25), Frankfurt (Nov 28-29), Baltimore/Washington DC (Dec 5-6) READ MORE Go mobile for less! Buy Delphi or C++Builder Professional and receive the Mobile Add-on Pack with Update Subscription for FREE! Special price includes: • Delphi or C++Builder Professional license • Mobile Add-on Pack • One year of Update Subscription Discount good through June 20, 2016. READ MORE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · RESOURCES · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Copyright © 2016 EMBARCADERO Inc. All Right Reserved. Просмотр полной статьи
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