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  1. Brovin Yaroslav

    Brovin Yaroslav


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  2. rareMax



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  3. krapotkin



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  4. FeLDMARShaL



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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 19.12.2017 во всех областях

  1. вот кусок из рабочего кода. если протрассировать по FindObject, то можно найти все элементы, которые создаются автоматом при создании итема и заполнить тут, в коде
    1 балл
  2. rareMax

    Рисует за пределами канвы

    Для контрола еще можешь отключить такое поведение: ClipChildren := True;
    1 балл
  3. После упорных попыток, не получилось подружить компонент с созданной темой, возможно ее ид как то не так получаю и ниже приведенный код возвращает что то не то themId := TAndroidHelper.Context.getResources.getIdentifier(StringToJString('styles_dialog'), StringToJString('layout'), TAndroidHelper.Context.getPackageName) Но реализовать нужно было пришлось пофиксить немного стандартные компоненты, и именно в части const UndefinedThemeID = -1; Теперь компоненты считаю что ThemeID=0 - это кастомная тема. После чего, вот такой код (и измненная стандартная тема приложения): if not Assigned(fg_my) then begin fg_my := TfgActivityDialog.Create(nil); fg_my.Theme := TfgDialogTheme.Custom; fg_my.ThemeID := 0; end; fg_my.Show; sleep(3000); fg_my.Hide; Приводят вот к такому результату (разумеется индикатор крутится как надо):
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  4. Brovin Yaroslav

    Holiday Delphi To-Dos

    After another year of record CodeRage participation, I’ve been talking to other developers about what they do to promote Delphi. It was immediately obvious that they are “way too busy writing code!” This is a huge improvement, as only a few years back the standard response was “well, Delphi is no longer cool.” However, we still have a challenge. We need to make it easier for our customers to champion us within their organizations. We want people to be proud to say that they “do Delphi.” Here are a few Delphi holiday To-Dos if you are looking for a way to spread the merriment... Check out 10.2.2 with the new dark theme and a whole lot more. It will give you some good hints on where we are going with UX and it is just the beginning. Also, the Enterprise and Architect editions of RAD Studio now gets a RAD Server site license for FREE! A huge benefit! Don’t hesitate to provide feedback - we love it! Share Delphi @ 22 Magazine with your colleagues and managers to highlight the latest developments with Delphi and our ecosystem… there has been a lot of activity that has been missed. And yes there was some healthy debate on one forum around the number of countries in existence (we counted a huge number in one of our Delphi Boot Camps), but aside from classifications, the point is that we are seeing a resurgence and we like it! Build a Simple Mobile App with FMX. There is no better way to wow your customers, peers or supervisors than to see Delphi in action. There are plenty of samples and more coming your way. Write once and compile for Android and iOS, not to mention Windows and mac OS X. Check out the new Enterprise connectors. So simple to display your feed from Twitter and/or Facebook and show how fast you can build an app around it. More complex ideas may want to leverage the free InterBase for embedded mobile use. There are plenty of “disconnected” use cases that are difficult to do with other technologies. Watch a CodeRage replay on Embarcadero Academy. Go catch a replay for a session you missed from CodeRage XII. They are all available on Embarcadero Academy. Share your favorite session with your friends. While you are there sign up for a course from the expert trainers on Embarcadero Academy. Also, make sure that if anyone doubts that there are good materials to learn Delphi, they know that this is no longer the case. Learn about the Ext JS framework. Sencha is new to our developer tools family, but already making a huge impact. There is a lot of tooling in existence to connect Delphi with Ext JS development. They share a lot in their completeness and focus on huge productivity improvements. There is a learning curve, but if you are looking for fast development across platforms with really nice UX, this is the way to go. Delphi and the associated VCL & FMX frameworks share a lot in common with Ext JS in the way they maintain compatibility for the long-run and provide unmatched performance. This sample app provides a great example that speaks both to FMX and Ext JS. Browse the GetIt Package Manager. Install a new style, sample project, library, or IDE Plugin. GetIt continues to expand: over 250 at last count. Look for new ways to solve the problems you face and make yourself even more productive. Blog about your favorite Delphi features, components or libraries and share it on social media. Delphi has an amazing 3rd party ecosystem. Check out the top 10 Delphi projects on GitHub or this huge collection of resources. What’s on your holiday to-do list? Do you have any Delphi goals for the new year? Просмотр полной статьи
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  5. kami

    Разница в вызовах Synchronize

    Разница есть. И она не только в вызове Synchronize, но и Queue. Указание потока в качестве источника метода синхронизации позволяет вам впоследствии сделать TThread.RemoveQueuedEvents(myThread) перед его удалением. Вызов RemoveQueuedEvents необходим, если в синхронизируемых методах может идти обращение к полям и методам уничтожаемого потока. Потому что с удалением потока то, что подлежало синхронизации, никуда не пропадет, а раз поток уже не существует - у вас вылезет AV на ровном месте. Или же ваш код испортит чью-то память, что еще труднее отловить.
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