Причина и одно из простых решений находятся в комментах.
Починить можно так, проверено в 10.4:
Work around is to set your formstyle property of the form to "Popup". This will make the form transparent again. But this wil have the effect of the wsMaximized style not working properly. You can go around this by making the following code additions to your form:
procedure TForm1.Adjustformsize;
height :=Screen.Height;Top:=0;
left :=0;
You should call this procedure before you show the form. Also you should anticipate a form resize when the device is rotated. You can use the following code for that:
first add System.Messaging and fmx.Platforms to your uses clause. Then add the following code
procedure TForm1.OrientationChangedHandler(constSender:TObject;constMsg:TMessage);
end;//Add in the formcreate:TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TOrientationChangedMessage,OrientationChangedHandler);// add in the destroy:TMessageManager.DefaultManager.Unsubscribe(TOrientationChangedMessage,OrientationChangedHandler);
В версиях студии после 10.1 (Berlin) прозрачность форм в Android сломалась.
Баг находится здесь https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-22314
Причина и одно из простых решений находятся в комментах.
Починить можно так, проверено в 10.4:
Work around is to set your formstyle property of the form to "Popup". This will make the form transparent again. But this wil have the effect of the wsMaximized style not working properly. You can go around this by making the following code additions to your form:
You should call this procedure before you show the form. Also you should anticipate a form resize when the device is rotated. You can use the following code for that:
first add System.Messaging and fmx.Platforms to your uses clause. Then add the following code
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