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Hello, I'm using the fgactionsheet to write to a SQLite database with Delphi Tokyo, before it worked out in a Moto G4S Plus, but now, in a Moto G5SPlus does not, it opens the gallery or the camera, but when I click OK it will loses and goes to the APP (Android) home screen. Does anyone know how to solve it? Thank you very much in advance


Thanks for your prompt reply, I'm using the example of this site (in Portuguese)

but even in this example, if you change the picture, from the second image, it does not obey and changes that of the first


Thanks for your prompt reply, I'm using the example of this site (in Portuguese) http://portal.tdevrocks.com.br/2015/10/05/tutorial-salvar-foto-no-banco-sqlite-com-android-e-ios-12/ but even in this example, if you change the picture, from the second image, it does not obey and changes that of the first Interesting that when I started the project, it worked normally.




From what I could see, the problem is that I need to write after the confirmation so I put the code as below

procedure TForm1.actFotoDaCameraDidFinishTaking(Image: TBitmap);
  if not (qryProdutos.State in dsEditModes)  then



However, neither does the debug go through here.

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