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Brovin Yaroslav

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Сообщения, опубликованные Brovin Yaroslav

  1. Судя по официальной доке по кастомизации диалога: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html?hl=ru#CustomLayout нужно именно создать тему, а не стиль. 

    В приведенной тобой ссылке стиль применяется не к диалогу, а к контенту, что не гибко с точки зрения кастомизации, так как прозрачность диалога задается на уровне кода, а не стиля.

    Надо посмотреть тут: http://developer.alexanderklimov.ru/android/theme.php про темы в андроиде. И попробовать сделать именно тему со стилем диалога. И потом ее уже применить. Это должно сработать.

  2. Он использует  фиксированный размер. Это зависит от стиля. В данном случае стиль для Андроида и йос именно фиксированного размера. Связано это прежде всего с тем, что эти стили растровые. Если вы хотите снять это ограничение, вы можете отредактировать дефолтный стиль и сбросить значения FixedWidth и FixedHeight.

  3. rad & androidI hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, and survived the Black Friday/Cyber Monday marketing deluge. I was so busy catching up with family and eating too much that I’m just now announcing Embarcadero’s October Cool App contest winner is RAD Android, an app that makes it easy for people to develop mobile programs.

    RAD Android, created by talented developer Abdalkader, is a tiny programming language for the Android operating system that allows anyone to write simple programs for Android devices from an Android device. These apps leverage wireless capabilities such as Bluetooth, SMS and Wi-Fi so people can create a wide variety of useful smartphone tools. They can also communicate with the Arduino open source electronics platform to enable makers and tinkerers of all levels to develop an array of imaginative tools and projects such as digital scientific instruments or home tools like an automatic guitar tuner.

    Using Delphi to create an application development solution, even a tiny one, is a significant undertaking. RAD Android is an amazing example of how native development can unlock the power of the Android platform, given a dedicated and talented developer with the right skills and tools for the job.



    This video shows RAD Android in action:

    [YoutubeButton url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8L3IMu9pY']
    Or visit the Google Play store and install this free app for yourself!
    Interested in submitting for the Embarcadero’s Cool App contest? It’s open to any business or consumer application built with RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Embarcadero awards Cool App contest winners a $500 Amazon gift card and winning submissions are also highlighted on the company’s YouTube channel. For more information on the contest and a link to the submission form, click here.


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  4. Please note that our online Docwiki, Embarcadero Forums, EDN Member Services and some of our support systems are currently not accessible. These systems were taken down for maintenance over the weekend when we identified some additional issues that we are resolving promptly. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and hope to have these systems back online soon.


    We wanted to also take this opportunity to talk about some of the planned customer portal enhancements over the next six months. As you are probably aware, our EDN site is quite dated as it has been in use for many years. It has a lot of functionality that we know many customers like, but some that are no longer used extensively. We have started an effort to migrate to more modern platforms, such as the one used by our Community Portal. That initiative has been hugely successful and we want to migrate the rest of the functionality.


    Over the coming months, we will start to introduce some of these changes. Some of these are specifically aimed to increase the value for customers on active Update Subscription. We are committed to providing ample communications for any significant changes. For example, Code Central has a long history of downloads. The way we assign these also has made tracking Code Central IDs to specific downloads difficult and resulted in many obsolete IDs. Legacy downloads will likely be folded into a new Update Subscription customer-only section of the Customer Portal. We also plan on making it easier for customers to track cases they have logged, access current and previous version downloads, view licenses and more. 


    We don’t expect those changes in the coming months to result in any system downtime, but if they do, we'll make sure to promptly notify you.


    As always, serving the community very important to us and we appreciate any feedback. We are always looking to do better. Thanks!


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  5. Applies to Product

    InterBase (InterBase 2017 Update 1) which was available for download between dates  September 19th 2017 and October 23rd 2017.  


    The reason for this hotfix is a crash bug with no workaround in InterBase 2017 Update 1 ( A description of the resolved defects in this hotfix has been added to the Udpate 1 release page at: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/InterBase/2017/en/InterBase_2017_Update_1_Readme#Resolved_Defects

    Recommended Action

    If you have deployed to customers or are using for development InterBase 2017 Update 1, please install this critical update as soon as possible.

    How to Get the Hotfix

    You can download a patch kit for Windows from https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30804

    For all platforms, see InterBase registered users download page at  https://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/interbase

    For InterBase 2017 Developer Edition and ToGo Edition: Please install via GetIt in RAD Studio (after uninstalling a previous version of InterBase 2017, if you installed it). This applies both to IBLite/IBToGo and the InterBase Developer Server.

    The new version is build

    What if I have InterBase 2017

    but have not applied Update 1?  Skip InterBase version and install the new build (Update 1 with Hotfix 1).


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  6. В 28.10.2017 в 16:53, x11 сказал:

    А может лучше сделать так, чтобы компоненты/библиотеки не лезли в "системные папки" Студии?

    Можно, вы можете у себя поправить пути сборки для пакетов fgx и dclfgx. На будущее подумаю, куда лучше складывать собранные файлы.

  7. It was a busy summer. There has been so much happening lately that it is difficult to decide where to start.

    A Busy Summer

    Earlier this year we launched the milestone RAD Studio 10.2 (aka Tokyo). This August we released Update 10.2.1 that provided a number of highly anticipated quality and feature updates. So, what happened with the BIG September release? As stated before, we are no longer looking for the next BIG release. We want to provide customers the functionality that they need when it is ready and continue to constantly evolve the product ALL the time. We did 10.2.1 in August, but this week you should be looking for the iOS 11 update. We want to make it easier to stay on the latest release and deliver value more often.


    We do have more work to remove the re-installation requirement altogether, but that is not a small task with almost 70K files involved. The good news is that upgrades today are more seamless and our Product and R&D teams received a lot of acolytes for that. The Linux support is a huge milestone and there is a lot more in 10.2.1 for both mobile and Windows.


    Our marketing published an awesome magazine to celebrate the progress made with Delphi over the last 22 years I encouraged many of our developers to share this with their supervisors, who think that Delphi is a thing of the past, many were pleasantly surprised. We are running a nice promo for September that goes with the “22” theme, so check-out the site or speak with your partner. It is a great time to upgrade or expand.


    The VCL framework continues to evolve. I think that with all the technologies out there, we sometimes forget how good it is, and it is only getting better. High DPI support and improved icons make your apps truly stand-out, and we have plenty of more awesome updates in the works. Lately, we’ve spoken a lot with C++ developers, as we try to increase the awareness for C++Builder. It is amazing how much Delphi developers take for granted. While there are OK visual frameworks that support C++, almost nothing comes close to VCL. I am really excited to continue to educate our C++ community on what we can deliver and of course continue to improve the C++ language support.


    At the end of August, we released Enterprise Connectors. These make integration of applications built with RAD Studio to the most common enterprise applications, such as SAP, Salesforce, Facebook, and many more, very easy. They use a combination of FireDAC, REST, and CData technologies to make user adoption seamless. I think that these give an incredible competitive edge to our developer community, especially considering the speed of development. It is fast development indeed.


    Just last week we launched the Embarcadero Academy! Making our products more easily accessible for education and making learning easier is a top priority. I feel that a dedicated education site together with a FREE Starter edition that is available for Education purposes are important steps in this direction. I benefit personally… My thirteen-year-old son is learning Delphi and the Academy is making it easy (and inexpensive)! Visit www.embarcaderoacademy.com and find out for yourself.


    Most importantly, last month we acquired Sencha. This demonstrates again our broader commitment to Developer Tools. Sencha is the home of Ext JS, which is the premier Enterprise framework for JavaScript development. I am super excited for the Ext JS community. Today there are few independent IT organizations with our resources committed to developers. There are also a lot of immediate benefits for our existing Delphi and C++ developers. Over the years RAD Studio provided many Web development options, but none has had the robustness of our core VCL and FMX frameworks. As Web usage exploded, this has contributed for some in the decline of popularity for Delphi. The Ext JS framework is a match to VCL in terms of sophistication and scalability. There are already several good ways to bridge the technologies. As always, we have really smart partners in our technology ecosystems that have developed deeply integrated solutions (e.g. UniGui, Kitto). Developers can also use Ext JS through the REST API connectivity enabled by RAD Server. We will work with our technology partners to make the integration even more seamless.


    The product team also just published a roadmap updated for September 2017. It includes plans for the upcoming 10.2.2 and 10.3 releases. There are also details on some research areas R&D is exploring. All of this as we continue our commitment to developers in keeping Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio the premier choice for expert developers everywhere.


    After a busy summer, we are all preparing for a busier fall. The community is full of ideas, Block Chains, more IoT support options, better TFS integration, and as always many ideas for language features. Our PMs are busy evaluating ideas and working with R&D on specs. We are open to technology partners and MVPs to participate and introduce products that expand our capabilities, Woll2Wall made an awesome Beacon Editor with FMX, the much anticipated FMX Linux Clients are out, there are cool FMX designer ideas, so much more to come. We’ll demonstrate a lot of these during CodeRage coming November 7th.


    This is going to be a productive fall. Get on 10.2.1 and build some awesome apps!

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  8. The Hospitality Survey App template can be downloaded through Embarcadero's GetIt which is built into the RAD Studio IDE. It consists of four different projects that interconnect with each other. The projects are:

    • Hospitality Survey Setup
    • Hospitality Survey EMS
    • Hospitality Survey Admin
    • Hospitality Survey Client

    You should deploy and run the projects in the following order:

    1) The Hospitality Survey Setup app will help you set up your database, the tables and data, and your EMS user accounts.

    2) The Hospitality Survey EMS is the RAD Server side REST resource which both the Hospitality Survey Client and the Hospitality Survey Admin interface with. It should be deployable on Windows and Linux through IIS, Apache, or the stand alone EMS server.

    3) The Hospitality Survey Client is a RAD Studio client application for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. The client application should allow you to select a tenant from your RAD Server and then log in as a user. Once logged in it will download the survey data for your current tenant and allow the survey to be filled out. Once the survey is complete it can be submitted back to the server and a new survey can be started.

    4) The Hospitality Survey Admin app is an AngularJS application for the web. You should be able to log into the application with your Tenant ID and RAD Server user ID. The web app should allow you to view statistics and graphs about the results of the survey questions and each individual question and answer. You can also export a list of emails collected from the surveys.


    In Depth Developer Guide Webinar

    [YoutubeButton url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KTv5hVCF_M']


    Hospitality Survey Setup


    Start: Your EMS Server should already be setup and running.

    Step 1: Set a path for your stores database. Set the path to the EMSServer database.

    The stores database is created, used, and populated with data in Step 4.

    The EMSServer database link is used to populate the drop down of Tenant IDs in Step 3.

    Step 2: Setup the demo users on the EMS Server using the EMS API.

    You will need your EMSServer Host, Port, and Tenant IDs in this step. The Setup will connect to your EMSServer and create groups and users for the template.

    You can create Tenant IDs using this tutorial:


    Step 3: Customize the questions to be asked in the survey for each tenant. A blank tenant_id will be asked to all tenants.

    You can customize the questions in your survey on Step 3. The fields are:

    • ID - An ID for the question.
    • name - A short name for the question with no spaces.
    • title - The text of the question as it will appear in the survey.
    • type - The type of question controls which question template is loaded on the client. The existing types are: rating, yesno, edit, options
    • options - If the type of the question is set to options this field is used to populate the options. It's value is a JSON array of options.
    • value - The value is where the user submitted data is stored. It can be left blank but could be used to provide a default answer.
    • category - The category of the question. This field is provided for expandability.
    • tenant_id - The tenant ID of the question. If the tenant_id field is blank all tenants will get the question. If it is set to a tenant only that tenant will get the question.


    Be sure to update the tenant IDs to to match your tenant IDs.

    Pressing the Re-Generate button will create new INSERT queries on Step 4.

    Step 4: Create the tables and insert the questions data into your stores database with the Initialize All button.

    This step contains the SQL setup queries for the stores database. There are three tables which will be set up which are: SURVEYS, QUESTIONS, RESULTS

    Each table will be dropped and re-created when the queries are run (any existing data in the tables will be lost). In the third TMemo field the SQL queries from your questions defined in Step 3 will appear.

    Pressing the Initialize All button will execute the SQL queries against your defined stores database from Step 1.

    Complete: After step 4 the databases and users should be setup and ready for you to use the client and admin areas.

    Your EMS database and users should be setup at this point. You should be able to connect the Hospitality Survey EMS package to your new stores database and compile the package.

    Once your Hospitality Survey EMS package is running in the EMS Development Server you should be able to open and compile the Hospitality Survey Client.

    After you submit some survey results via the Hospitality Survey Client you should be able to log into the Hospitality Survey Admin and see your results.


    Hospitality Survey EMS


    The Hospitality Survey EMS is the RAD Server module for the Hospitality Survey Client and the Hospitality Survey Admin to interface with.

    The end points mainly return the FireDAC JSON format which can be easily loaded in to a RAD Studio client or access via standard JSON in a non-RAD Studio environment.



    GET /survey/ - Download the survey questions in FireDAC JSON format.

    GET /survey/results/* - Download the survey results in a paged fashion in FireDAC JSON format. The page number is placed where the * is.

    GET /survey/stats/all - Download various stats about the survey results in FireDAC JSON format.

    GET /survey/details/* - Download the questions and answers from a specific survey ID in FireDAC JSON format. The survey ID is placed where the * is.

    GET /survey/emails/csv - Download a list of all of the email addresses from completed surveys in CSV format.


    GET /tenants/ - Download a list of the server Tenants which are active in FireDAC JSON format.



    The endpoints are defined like this in code:

    // SurveyModule.pas
    procedure Get(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
    procedure GetData(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
    procedure PostData(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);
    if ARequest.Params.Values['query'] = 'results' then
    if ARequest.Params.Values['query'] = 'stats' then
    if ARequest.Params.Values['query'] = 'details' then
    if ARequest.Params.Values['query'] = 'emails' then
    // TenantModule.pas
    procedure Get(const AContext: TEndpointContext; const ARequest: TEndpointRequest; const AResponse: TEndpointResponse);


    The variable in the /survey/results/* and /survey/details/* endpoints is accessed via ARequest.Segments object like below:

      if ASegments.Count = 3 then // first segment is "survey" second is "results or "details" third segment is the variable
        SurveyId := ASegments.Items[2];

    User permissions:

    User permissions are governed by the {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS}. You can comment or uncomment this line for dev and live deployments. User permissions are ignored when {$DEFINE GROUPPERMISSIONS} is commented out.


    Hospitality Survey Admin

    The Hospitality Survey Admin dashboard project which was built in AngularJS. The Admin Dashboard connects to RAD Server on the backend via a REST API. The stats that are displayed are for data that has been collected in the Hospitality Survey Client. AngularJS is a popular framework for building web applications. It uses straight Javascript and HTML as it's template language. The data binding functionality that it offers eliminates a lot of the CRUD code you would normally have to build. AngularJS uses HTML as it's View and Javascript as it's Controller. You can quickly consume JSON from REST end points and display it using AngularJS. 

    You should be able to log into the Admin area using a Tenant ID and Tenant Secret plus the login and password for a user in the Managers Group. For this template the default user is Manager1.

    Note: You must log in with your Tenant ID as the Store ID and not the Tenant Name.


    Copy index.html and the img, js, and styles subdirectories to your web server. Optimally you should place them on the same web server as your RAD Server DLL or Shared Object file. They could be placed in an admin subdirectory. You can place them on a different web server than RAD Server but you will need to make sure that your CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set up correctly.

    Within the js/admin.js file you should configure the $scope.ServerURL variable to point to the host where you RAD Server install is located. The default is: http://localhost:8080/


    CORS Accept permissions:

    Within the js/admin.js file you can configure the CORS settings for dev and live versions within the $scope.getHeader function. By default it is setup for development. When you want to switch to the live version (and enable user permissions) you can uncomment the line containing the X-Embarcadero-Session-Token and comment out the line without it. Switch back and forth between the two as needed.

    There is a similar setting in the Hospitality Survey EMS server for configuring permissions for dev or live.


    REST Endpoints & FireDAC

    The Hospitality Survey EMS endpoint returns FireDAC tables as JSON. This allows interchangable compatibility between RAD Studio and clients like AngularJS. Here is an example of walking through the FireDAC table JSON tree to get to the records: data["FDBS"]["Manager"]["TableList"][0]["RowList"]


    In addition to AngularJS the Admin Dashboard also utilizes Chart.js, BootStrap, and a custom Bootstrap style. The Bootstrap style is from BootsWatch.com and you should be able to go there and get other styles. If you replace the existing style in the project with one of the other styles on BootsWatch.com it should just drop it without any other effort and you will have an entirely new look (just like how FireMonkey styles work). Chart.js is available from Chartjs.org which is a great Javascript library for displaying chart data dynamically in the browser. The Chart.js library has a special shim for AngularJS which facilitates the data exchange between AngularJS and Chart.js. Lastly, BootStrap is used which provides visual theming on HTML form elements (among other things). There is also a special shim for AngularJS which facilitates the easy integration with BootStrap.


    Hospitality Survey Client


    The Hospitality Survey Client connects to the Hospitality Survey EMS server on multiple end points for downloading and upload data. It is built to be cross platform on Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows using a single codebase and single UI.

    The survey is dynamically generated based on the questions that are downloaded from the Hospitality Survey EMS server. Each question is assigned to a TFrame which displays that type of question.


    The architecture of the app is built in a rapid application development style using TTabControl for handling pages and individual frames for each page. TActionList is used to consolidate much of the code in the MainForm.



    uMainForm.pas - Contains the main form of the application including the TTabControl with the design time frames.

    uTenantListForm.pas - Contains a separate form for selecting the active Tenant ID.



    uTenantsDM.pas - Contains the non visual components for downloading the Tenant list.


    Design Time Frames:

    uStoreLoginFrame.pas - Contains the store login frame.

    uLoginFrame.pas - Contains the user login frame.

    uMenuFrame.pas - Contains the main menu of the application including the Take Survey button.

    uFinishFrame.pas - Contains the final frame of the application including the Thank You button after a survey has been completed.

    uBackendFrame.pas - Contains the non-visual components for downloading survey data and uploading the results.

    uProgressFrame.pas - Contains the animated progress controls which are displayed when the application is doing work.


    Dynamic Frames:

    uComboBoxFrame.pas - Contains the combo box survey question type.

    uCompleteFrame.pas - Contains the complete button for the survey.

    uEditFrame.pas - Contains the edit survey question type.

    uRatingBarFrame.pas - Contains the star rating track bar survey question type.

    uSurveyHeaderFrame.pas - Contains the header for the top of the survey.

    uYesNoFrame.pas - Contains the Yes/No survey question type.


    If you want to make changes to the design time frames be sure to edit the frame itself and not the version of it that is embedded in the MainForm. This will keep your changes consolidated in one place. If you changes don't update in the MainForm you can delete the Frame from the MainForm and re-add it. Be sure to add it to the correct Tab and set to Align Client after you add the frame.

    Note: You must log in with your Tenant ID as the Store ID and not the Tenant Name.



    Restaurant Image: http://www.freeimages.com/photo/restaurant-1233046


    Hospitality Survey Editor

    There is also a Hospitality Survey Editor app which will connect to your existing Hospitality Survey database and allow you to customize the questions which are asked in the client. The questions are stored in a table in the database and then downloaded to the client as JSON through RAD Server. The Hospitality Survey Client app loads the JSON and then dynamically creates the input fields using TFrames.

    The Hospitality Survey Editor app was created by stripping down the Hospitality Survey Setup app and connecting it directly to the Hospitality Survey database.

    Download the full source code for the Hospitality Survey Editor in FireMonkey for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.


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  9. 10.2 Tokyo Release 1 is now available. It’s an update of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo and RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo for active Update Subscription customers. It includes 100s of platform focused enhancements, bug fixes and features.


    RAD Studio supports 5 platforms today: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Linux. Platform vendors frequently make changes to their operating systems which at times impact us on the development side. We continuously track these changes to ensure our customers can target the latest operating systems. 10.2.1 not only provides a number of new features and bug fixes, but also addresses key OS changes that have been impacting our customers. A significant issue we fixed on Windows was changing our compilers and linkers to address an OS level change on Windows 10 Creators Update affecting the way the operating system loads DLLs and Delphi packages (BPLs), which ends up repeating the load operation multiple times and severely hampering the debugging of applications with runtime packages. Microsoft has addressed the issues in the beta of the future version of Windows 10, but not in Creators Update.

    In May 2017, we published our latest roadmap. Given the popularity of VCL within our install base, we want to make sure that this framework continues to evolve rapidly and we are accelerating investments in this area. We see a nice increase in usage of Windows 10 and we feel that we can deliver even more value to developers with the coming releases. With that focus and the addition of the platform enhancements release to our release schedule, you will see that some some of the features previously listed under 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 in our roadmap are being reprioritized for 10.2.2 and beyond. This includes C++ for Linux. PM will be providing additional roadmap updates in the coming weeks.  

    Key Features delivered in 10.2 Tokyo

    Below is a recap of key features we’ve delivered  in recent months (including Berlin updates):

    • Delphi Linux compiler and RTL, along with complete toolchain for Linux server development, deployment and debugging

    • C++ compiler and linker improvements

    • Windows 10 Store support via Desktop Bridge

    • New VCL controls and QuickEdit designers

    Exciting developments this year

    In addition to the Tokyo release several months ago, and the 10.2.1 update release, we also wanted to highlight some other exciting developments.

    CData Enterprise Connectors

    The result of a year-long collaboration effort with CData, Enterprise Connectors leverages Embarcadero’s RAD Studio FireDAC technology to remove the complexity in connecting to multiple data sources, and make CData's adapters easily accessible to Delphi and C++ developers.

    CData Enterprise Connector Packs support 80+ popular data sources such as Salesforce, NetSuite, Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, SugarCRM, MailChimp and JIRA.

    The Enterprise Connectors are currently in Public Beta, allowing anyone on Update Subscription to participate. Downloads for each connector are available through the GetIt Package Manager in 10.2 Tokyo. The beta is expected to finish within the next few weeks, and we’d love to get your feedback.  

    GetIt Package Manager Enhancements

    The GetIt Package Manager enables browsing, download, and install of packages directly within the IDE. This includes open source and 3rd party libraries, components, IDE extensions, SDKs, and more. The GetIt Package Manager can be accessed through the Tools menu in the IDE.

    We have recently added a number of new categories to the GetIt Package Manager in 10.2 Tokyo to make it easier to find what you're looking for in GetIt.

    Here's the new list of categories you will find in the GetIt Package Manager:


    • All

    • Libraries

    • Components

    • Internet of Things

    • Trial

    • Connectors

    • Industry Templates

    • IDE Plugins

    • Styles

    • Sample Projects

    The RAD Studio PM team (Sarina, Marco and David)


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  10. To follow up with our recent FireDAC in Depth with Cary Jensen we have a series of FireDAC webinars to help you learn more about everyone's favorite database access framework. Each webinar is offered at 8 AM, 1 PM and 8 PM US Central Time to provide access in all timezones. 


    • 25-Jul (Tue) FireDAC Introduction
      • An introduction to the multi-platform, multi-database, full featured, super fast database access framework.
    • 27-Jul (Thu) FireDAC Tracing and Monitoring
      • How to use FireDAC's Tracking and Monitoring features for advanced logging and troubleshooting.
    • 01-Aug (Tue) FireDAC Cached Updates and Autoinc Fields
      • Learn to use autoincrement fields as primary keys, and cached updates to cache multiple updates in memory and write them all to the database at a later time in a single batch.
    • 03-Aug (Thu) FireDAC Array DML
      • The Array DML execution technique submits a single DBMS command with an array of parameters. Each command parameter has an array of values, and all parameters have arrays of the same length. Then FireDAC requests the DBMS to execute a command once for each row in arrays. This technique reduces the amount of communication between DBMS and client, enables DBMS to stream command execution, and speeds up execution time.
    • 08-Aug (Tue) FireDAC Cascading Options System
      • Learn to use the cascading system of setting options for optimal FireDAC performance
    • 10-Aug (Thu) FireDAC: Preprocessing SQL Commands
      • FireDAC Preprocessing includes "macro" and "escape sequence" allowing dynamic generation of more complex sets of operations for performance and less work on the developer's part.
    • 15-Aug (Tue) FireDAC ETL = Extract, Transform, Load
      • The FireDAC Extract, Transform and Load functions work with the batch move, reader and writer components for data movement between different types of data sources and the data destinations.
    • 17-Aug (Thu) FireDAC In Memory DataSets: TFDMemTable
      • The FireDAC in memory data set lets you work with an offline or in memory dataset with being connected to a database. This can be helpful in a briefcase model, or when adding dataset functionality to a non-database driven application.
    • 22-Aug (Tue) FireDAC Local SQL
      • Local SQL gives you the full power of SQL based set operations across datasets from diverse sources, including different databases, different data engines and in memory data.
    • 24-Aug (Thu) Migrating BDE applications to FireDAC and InterBase
      • Learn how to migrate your legacy BDE based database application to FireDAC and InterBase to keep your programs relevant and to take advantage of all the new features and functionality.
    • 29-Aug (Tue) Migrating dbExpress Applications to FireDAC
      • Learn how to migrate away from dbExpress to give your applications the full power of FireDAC
    • 31-Aug (Thu) Using InterBase Events and Change Views with Callback Functions
      • Get more power from InterBase with events, change views and call back functions.

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  11. Только что, RubenKamp сказал:

    Пытаюсь установить, но выдает такую ошибку [dcc32 Fatal Error] FGX.Asserts.pas(286): F2039 Could not create output file 'c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\lib\Win32\Debug\FGX.Asserts.dcu'

    В чем может быть проблема?

    - 10.1 Berlin

    - Ранее компонент не был установлен.

    Запустить студию с админскими правами

  12. How to view Salesforce data in RAD Studio Data Explorer using the Enterprise Connectors for Salesforce.

    With the Enterprise Connectors for Salesforce, you gain access to live Salesforce data within RAD Studio, abstracting the data into tables, views, and stored procedures that can be used to both retrieve and update Salesforce data. This article will walk through connecting to Salesforce using the Data Explorer.

    Connecting to Salesforce Data Using Data Explorer

    You can create a simple application for displaying Salesforce data by utilizing the Enterprise Connectors for Salesforce and a new VCL Forms Application:

    1. Open the Data Explorer in RAD Studio and expand FireDAC.
    2. Right-click on CData Salesforce Data Source and click Add New Connection.

    3. Name the connection.
    4. Fill in the necessary connection parameters and click OK. 


      There are several authentication methods available for connecting to Salesforce: Login, OAuth, and SSO. The Login method requires you to have the username, password, and security token of the user.

      If you do not have access to the username and password or do not wish to require them, you can use OAuth authentication.

      SSO (single sign-on) can be used by setting the SSOProperties, SSOLoginUrl, and TokenUrl connection properties, which allow you to authenticate to an identity provider. See the "Getting Started" chapter in the help documentation for more information.


    5. Back in the Data Explorer, expand the tables for the connection.
    6. Create a new VCL Forms application and drag a table (for example: Account) onto the form.

    7. Select the AccountTable object on the form and set the Active property to true.
    8. Right-click on the object, bind visually, and link everything (*) to a new control (TStringGrid).

    9. Arrange the TStringGrid on the form and run the application to see the Account data.


    Ready to try the Enterprise Connectors? Download the beta builds today. Just open RAD Studio 10.2, navigate to Tools > GetIt Package Manager and select from over 70 connectors. Requires RAD Studio Pro or higher editions.

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  13. 1 час назад, jordi сказал:

    Hello! Sorry for not speaking russian...

    I've found this forum talking about an error in onReceivedSslError. Translating with google from russian to spanish, it seems that you've found a solution providing a new jar. I've tried fmx.jar from "FmxJarTest.zip" in Tokyo, but I get  segmentaion fault (11) when application starts. Is this code compatible with Tokyo? The other link in dropbox doesn't work.

    Thank you very much!



    Tokio has changed fmx jar files, so this archive is obsolete

  14. Only a few days left - RAD Studio SPECIAL OFFERS!! Act Today!

    RAD Studio 10.2 "Tokyo" has been around for over three months, generating thousands of downloads. We already implemented several quality patches to further enhance performance.

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    We know that the cost of tools is not a huge factor when deciding to upgrade or approaching a new project. It should not be! However, we want to help you make that decision easier and have put together some really attractive promos for June. There are only a few days left… make your decision early next week and save BIG$$$! You will have some left-over for the beach :) ! 

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    To learn more about the all special offers that are ENDING SOON (Including terms & Conditions), go to the special offer pageIf you have any specific questions or need further help, send me an email (info@embarcadero.com) or leave a comment to this article.

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  15. 15 часов назад, Alex Bakulin сказал:

    У меня эта ошибка возникает на этапе работы с IDE. Причем вообще непонятно на что ругается. Самая большая картинка в проекте это стиль в TStyleBook. Причем радикально ничего не менялось в проекте, но в определенный момент ошибка стала выскакивать в виде диалогового окна при навигации по форме. 

    Я думаю, надо попробовать отключить пакет в среде MultiDevicePreview. Он может быть причиной этой ошибки.

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