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Brovin Yaroslav

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Весь контент Brovin Yaroslav

  1. Выравнивать итемы заставляет метод EndUpdate. Но только, если были внутри секции BeginUpdate/EndUpdate были изменения требующие выравнивания. Если хотите форсировать выравнивание, это можно сделать так: (TreeView1 as IAlignRoot).Realign;
  2. http://community.embarcadero.com/article/news/16211-embarcadero-rad-studio-2016-product-approach-and-roadmap-2
  3. As we enter into 2016, the team is very excited by what lies ahead. We have development in process right now and a lot of great plans and ideas for the second half of 2016 and beyond. Before we focus on the future, let's first take a second to reflect on many of the great product updates and other changes that occurred in 2015. RAD Studio 10 Seattle is a fantastic version that will serve as foundation to all we do in the next few years. If you have not moved to 10 Seattle now is the time to do it and as long as you have Update Subscription, you will automatically get new updates and releases as they come out. Windows 10 support is of course the highlight and the new styles & features provide terrific ways to refresh and monetize your apps. However, 2015 delivered much more… Windows 10 Support Large Memory Model IDE New Clang-enhanced C++11 for 32-bit Windows iOS 64-bit & Universal App Support Beacon Proximity Support GetIt Package Manager Introduction Multi-Monitor IDE Support Extensions to Version Insight for SVN, Mercurial and GIT Introduction of AppAnalytics The changes in ownership in 2015 allowed our team to have a new look at the product strategy and roadmap. We actively reached out to partners and customers to understand what is working, what is not working, what you like, and what you don’t like. You told us you want fewer major releases, more seamless updates / upgrades, higher quality, better language support, and more mobile native controls. As you will see and hear, we are making adjustments both in the short and long term to align with these requests. We have a lot of development underway, which cannot all be accomplished within a single release or update. In the Spring development track, code named "Big Ben”, the key themes are quality & first user experience and installation. A new installer leverages our GetIt technology to provide you flexibility to choose what you want to install and reduces installation time. The team is working the following features that will be included in 2016 releases: Separate or floating form designer for VCL & FMX Refactoring in C++ FireUI App Preview - preview your forms on any target (desktop and mobile) while using the form designer in the IDE FireMonkey Enhancements for Windows, Mac and mobile Address Book/Contacts component Style Designer & ListView Items Designer Numerous other features including ListView touch animation, grid improvements, Windows accelerator key support, font enhancements and more Multi-Device Designer Improvements Including Form Designer Preview on Device Android Wear Styling & new FireUI views IoT or Internet of Things Extended Bluetooth LE support IoT connectivity framework that turns off-the-shelf and custom IoT smart devices, sensors, and wearables into easy-to-use API components Support for Bluetooth LE and Z-Wave device components ThingPoint - Enterprise access points for your IoT devices which extends EMS functionality Window/VCL Improvement to WinRT bridge including Bluetooth LE support for Windows 10 DirectX 12 Support Delphi Compiler & Language Native support for Utf8String type on all platforms Support for weak and unsafe interface references on non-ARC platforms, like Windows C++ CLANG 3.3 on all platforms FireDAC Driver Updates - including Oracle, DB2, Interbase, SQLite, and Advantage The second development track, code named “Godzilla,” will deliver a Fall release. It will enable you to develop Delphi and C++ applications to run on Linux Server. This is a much anticipated addition to our product and a result of over two years of development. We intend to release a tech preview sometime this summer of the Delphi for Linux Server technology to give developers a chance to try it for a while, give us feedback and help us ensure it is as stable and solid as possible. Here are some further details on what we are aiming for with the initial Fall release: Apache modules in WebBroker and support for DataSnap and EMS FireDAC Linux database access Linux platform support for console apps with IoT support We will formally support Ubuntu Server & RedHat Enterprise. We will extend the formally supported Linux distributions list over time as demand dictates Windows based IDE with cross-compiler, deploy and debug via PAServer Linux compilers will be for Intel 64-bit server, LLVM-based and ARC-enabled While Linux will be the cornerstone of the Fall release, we have a huge list of other features we want to add to the product, some of which are outlined below in the roadmap image. We have also defined general areas of priority since an image can only convey so much data. IDE UI improvements and styling Update of all C++ compilers to newer versions of Clang Further improvements for GetIt, both for the package manager and the installer New Windows 10 VCL controls More FireMonkey platform native control support Windows 10 Centennial support (pending Microsoft release of the Centennial Universal Windows Platform bridge) Support for coming versions of iOS and Android As we are in the detailed planning stages for this release, we will share additional details as we get further into 2016. If you have specific items or questions, please let the Product Management team know and we can talk or you can log ideas and enhancement requests as well at quality.embarcadero.com. The RAD Studio Product Management Team These plans and roadmap represent our intentions as of this date, but our development plans and priorities are subject to change. Accordingly, we can’t offer any commitments or other forms of assurance that we’ll ultimately release any or all of the above-described products on the schedule or in the order described, or at all. These general indications of development schedules or “product roadmaps” should not be interpreted or construed as any form of a commitment, and our customers’ rights to upgrades, updates, enhancements and other maintenance releases will be set forth only in the applicable software license agreement. Просмотр полной статьи
  4. Нет, не получиться. На последней картинки у вас граф, а не дерево.
  5. Embarcadero Weekly Round-up for Developers Welcome to another edition of the Embarcadero Developer Newsletter. I hope all of you in the Northern Hemisphere are keeping warm and dry and those of you in the Southern Hemisphere are using your sunscreen. This weekly developer newsletter contains the latest news, technical articles, upcoming events and links to developer resources. Stay up to date on the latest developer information when you visit the Embarcadero Community. Videos that will help you move your Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio projects forward! We have created numerous videos that will help you take your existing Delphi, C++Builder and RAD Studio based projects and move the forward fast! Here are just a few of the many videos that will show you how easy it is to use 10 Seattle editions to modernize your applications. Watch now >> Delphi and C++Builder Developer Skill Sprints take place each Tuesday (Delphi) and Thursday (C++) at 6am, 11am and 5pm Pacific Time Short, Cool, Quick Tips, Tricks and Techniques that will move your Windows 10 and Multi-Device Development to New Heights! Learn More >> Register for "Delphi Practical Workshop", Belgium, March 3rd, 2016 Join us on March 3rd in Belgium, for the second "Delphi Practical Workshop.” This is a "hands on" training session and Delegates will need to install Delphi 10 "Seattle" before the session. You can register here >> Adding a style selector to your application by Sarina Dupont With RAD Studio 10 Seattle, we provide built-in default styles for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac. Additional styles can be found in the Styles directory installed with the product, and in the premium styles bonus pack. Read more >> Encrypting AppTethering using Delphi and C++Builder by Al Mannarino This Skill Sprint covered how to use the new AppTethering encryption hooks in Delphi and C++ Builder to encrypt the data or stream before sending the data or stream to other app tethered connected devices and how to use the encryption hooks to decrypt the data or stream after receiving the data. You can watch the replays, get the code, and follow the links to additional information covered in this skill sprint. Watch the Replays >> YouTube Video: Fast Cube for Delphi by Stephen Ball See how Fast Cube, by FastReport Inc, can help you speed up getting to key data with no lines of code using FireDAC, InterBase and Delphi or C++Builder. You can purchase Fast Cube as part of the RAD Solution Pack . Watch videos >> Using FireDAC Unidirectional property for fast, low memory selection set processing We often do large Oracle database queries using FireDAC to analyze registration data about our products and customers. Most of the time processing through millions of rows to create a report or chart. One of the FDQuery properties that I forget to set True is the TDFQuery's "Unidirectional" sub-property found under the FetchOptions (TFDFetchOptions) property. Keep Reading >> Marco Cantu Has Migrated His Book(s) Demos to GitHub I've migrated the demos of most of my books, from the current hosted SVN repository (at code.marcocantu.com/) to GitHub, at github.com/MarcoDelphiBooks. Read more >> Delphi and C++ Builder Trending up on the TIOBE programming language index “Delphi/Object Pascal” sits in 12th place up 8 places from last year. It even sits higher than Swift and Objective-C, which should come as no surprise when you consider that Delphi developers can write applications for iOS and port those applications to other platforms with little or no alterations to the code. “Pascal” is in 16th place, up 14 places from last year. The combined “Delphi / Object Pascal / Pascal” rating comes out at 2.98% which puts Delphi at 6th place right behind Python, C#, C++, C and Java. Read more >> How to report a C++ Compiler or Linker problem and workarounds A useful guide on how to report RAD Studio C++ Compiler and Linker issues to Embarcadero's Quality Portal, and help the R&D team to reproduce and fix the issue you've found. You can also find some helpful workarounds for common problems. Get Details >> Delphi and C++ DocWiki Tutorials and Code Examples The Embarcadero DocWiki contains links to step by step tutorials with Delphi and C++ code. Code examples are also included for commonly used members of the RAD Studio frameworks and libraries. Access Code Examples Index >> RAD Studio Demo Code Public Repository on SourceForge This is the public repository for the demos for the RAD Studio project. The main trunk will always be demos for the most recently released product. Branches are available for each release (RAD Studio XE to RAD Studio 10 Seattle) for snapshots of older releases demos. See more >> Ride the Windows 10 wave with RAD Studio 10 Seattle! Quickly and easily take your applications and customers to Windows 10 with RAD Studio 10 Seattle. Start your free trial today! Start for FREE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Copyright © 2016 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Просмотр полной статьи
  6. Об этой проблеме известно, бага заведена. Локально ее пользователям не исправить. Решение будет.
  7. В настройках проекта выведены эти опции: Menu -> Project -> Project options Application -> Orientation
  8. [Android] Как изменить цвет системного статус бара и разместить контролы под ним?
  9. Поскольку тема вызывает не поддельный интерес у пользователей. Я расскажу, как это делал я для одной демо программы, которую я готовил для выступления в ИТМО. Сразу приложу скриншот, как это будет выглядеть: Сразу скажу, что это решение временное и имеет ряд определенных нюансов, которые появятся после его использования. О том, как исправить эти нюансы указано в самом конце. Теперь к делу. Андроид позволяет сделать статус бар прозрачным с наложением белого цвета с альфа каналом. Это значит, если мы разместим под статус баром зеленый цвет, то статус бар станет соответствующего темно зеленого цвета. Этим и воспользуемся. Основная идея такая: Говорим Андроиду, что хотим прозрачный статус бар. Указываем андроиду, что хотим размещать форму под статус баром. Размещаем под статус баром TRectangle нужного цвета, в тон TToolBar (если используете) Теперь по шагам: 1. Говорим Андроиду, что хотим прозрачный статус бар. Указываем андроиду, что хотим размещать форму под статус баром. Создаем файл style.xml со стилем для нашего приложения. <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <style name="AppTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light"> <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item> <item name="android:windowTranslucentNavigation">true</item> <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/splash_image_def</item> <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> </style> </resources> В стиле указываем, что мы хотим использовать прозрачный статус бар. Открываем Менеджер развертывания Menu->Project->Deployment Manager и добавляем наш файл стиля в проект только для андроид конфигураций: Remote Path: "res\values\" Remote Name: "styles.xml" Теперь при запуске программы, андроид будет считать, что: Приложение будет развернуто на весь экран Статус бар будет прозрачного цвета. 3. Размещаем под статус баром TRectangle нужного цвета, в том TToolBar (если используете) Я разместил вверху формы TRectangle, который залил требуемым цветом, в тон тул бару: Высота статус бара у андроида равна 24. Если вы делаете кроссплатформенный проект и для ios тоже, то по умолчанию скрываем этот прямоугольник и добавляем код по его отображению в конструктор формы только на андроиде constructor TFormMain.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); {$IFDEF ANDROID} SystemStatusBarBackground.Visible := True; {$ENDIF} end; В принципе все готово. Побочные эффекты По скольку это решение сделано сбоку, то пара моментов, которые придется в вашей программе следить: Нативные контролы распологаются по старому, полагая, что форма располагается под статус баром, а не под формой. Поэтому для нативных контролов таких, как TMapView, нужно корректировать позицию или отступы. {$IFDEF ANDROID} MapView.Margins.Top := -SystemStatusBarBackground.Height; {$ENDIF} Формы располагается так же и под нижними программными кнопками: Назад, домой и меню. Поэтому нужно так же иметь в виду, что расположенные снизу контролы, не будут кликабельны. Так как перекрываются нижней панелью с кнопками. Решение - это разместить TLayout под нижней панелью, чтобы сдвинуть ваши контролы к верху.
  10. Там же, в коллекции линка есть и отступы, они как раз и отвечают за размеры боковых и угловых областей, которые не растягиваются.
  11. Embarcadero Weekly Round-up for Developers Happy New Year to all developers around the world. We are starting the year off with this new, weekly round-up for Developers containing news, technical articles, upcoming events and links to developer resources. You can follow all of the latest developer information on the Embarcadero community at http://community.embarcadero.com/ New Developer Skill Sprints Series for 5 January to 31 March 2016 Short, Cool, Quick Tips, Tricks and Techniques that will move your Windows 10 and Multi-Device Development to New Heights! Live sessions every Tuesday (Delphi) and Thursday (C++Builder) from 5 January - 31 March 2016. You can find the schedule and registration links on the Developer Skill Sprints landing page at >> Is It A Leap Year? Delphi and C++Builder VCL Apps by David I. Happy New Year 2016! And yes, 2016 is a leap year, so we all have an additional day for programming this year. Here are two VCL applications, one written using Delphi and one written using C++Builder. Find the source code at >> AppTethering blog posts to help you reuse and extend your existing projects by David I. Here are a few blog posts that show you how to reuse and extend your applications with App Tethering. Find all of the links on the blog post at >> My FireMonkey 3D Data Visualization Skill Sprint by Pawel Glowacki The beauty of FireMonkey 3D programming is that you do not need to be expert in low level 3D API calls and arcane matrix calculations to be able to quickly build stunning interactive 3D apps with high-level reusable components. You can use either C++Builder or Delphi and from the very same project source code you can natively build your app for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac! Read more at >> Debug Visualizer for viewing "pretty printed" JSON strings by Darian Miller Delphi community member, Darian Miller, posted on the Delphi G+ community, that he has created and released a RAD Studio 10 Seattle Debug Visualizer for JSON. Find all of the details on his G+ post at >> The source code is on GitHub at >> How to best load an image from a URL using TWebBrowser when targeting multiple devices by Sarina Dupont I recently got a question from a customer on how to restrict the image size to the actual device screen dimensions when using TWebBrowser, so I thought I would create a blog post about it. Read the complete details (with source code) at >> New DocWiki RAD Studio, Delphi and C++Builder Platform Status Page by David I. I recently got a question from a customer on how to restrict the image size to the actual device screen dimensions when using TWebBrowser, so I thought I would create a blog post about it. Read the complete details (with source code) at >> Feature Requests in Embarcadero Quality Portal by Marco Cantu The Embarcadero Quality Portal (https://quality.embarcadero.com) now offers specific support for requesting new features for RAD Studio. You’ll find all the details in Marco’s blog post at You’ll find all the details in Marco’s blog post at >> Delphi Jobs Board - for Delphi and C++Builder developers and companies looking for developers Looking for Delphi and C++Builder developers? Delphi Jobs, C++ Builder Jobs and 100’s of Delphi and C++ Builder developer resumés are searchable on Delphi Jobs Board, the home of Delphi and C++ Builder Jobs https://www.delphijobsboard.com/ DB PowerStudio Embarcadero® DB PowerStudio® is a value-based bundling option for comprehensive administration, development and performance tuning capabilities. Start for FREE PRODUCTS · SOLUTIONS · SUPPORT · COMMUNITY · STORE · CONTACT Copyright © 2016 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Просмотр полной статьи
  12. Пока не знаю. Недавно оптимизировал скорость отрисовки. Теперь у меня документ занимает в ~2 раз меньше узлов дерева, чем до оптимизации. Сейчас работаю над оптимизацией плавной прокрутки на мобильных платформах.
  13. Добрый день, Пока, к сожалению, нету поддержки стиля верхнего и нижнего регистров для текста. Поэтому вместо жонглирования TText, я бы сделал свой компонент. В нем достаточно будет только определить метод Paint для отрисовки текста. Дальше просто: TTextLayout используем для измерения размеров текста. Потом согласно расчетам, просто выводим в нужные позиции текст. Для вдохновения можно сделать по образу и подобию TText. Расчет размеров текста: ATextLayout.BeginUpdate; try ATextLayout.Text := Text; ATextLayout.WordWrap := False; ATextLayout.MaxSize := TSizeF.Create(1000, 1000); finally ATextLayout.EndUpdate; end; Result := ATextLayout.TextRect.Size; Вывод текста: либо так: AContext.Canvas.FillText(Bounds, Text, False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Leading); Либо через TTextLayout: ATextLayout.Render; Вам остается только добавить логику по вычислению позиции верхнего или нижнего регистра относительно основного текста.
  14. С ходу не могу вам сказать. Дело в том, что стиль грузится обычно при первой отрисовке либо, когда пользователь форсирует загрузку стиля до отрисовки через ApplyStyleLookup. Это сделано для ускорения запуска приложения и экономии памяти за счет не выделенных ресурсов на стили контролов, которые еще не видны. Наследование стилей можно использовать. Пока я вижу только повесить обработчик onApplyStyleLookup на внутренний объект стиля, которые использует другой стиль. Не так изящно, но пока это решение.
  15. В библиотеке FGX есть специальный компонент для этого TfgLinkedLabel. Так же смотрите ответы выше.
  16. Почему на мобильных платформах у меня не рисуется окружность?
  17. Добрый вечер, Посмотрите тему: Почему для некоторых контролов нельзя поменять высоту или ширину?
  18. Интересный пример. Ситуация заключается в том, что OnApplyStyleLookup вызывает до того, как загрузятся стили для объектов внутри стилей. То есть по факту в вашем примере получается, что вначале грузится Panel1 со стилем "panel1style" Вызывается OnApplyStyleLookup Грузится стиль "layout1style" Отрисовка формы Догружается вложенный стиль в panel1style StylesData корректно работает, если его вызывать гарантированно после загрузки всех объектов стиля. Например по нажатию на кнопку.
  19. Вроде сделал: FGX - Donate - QIWI: 4890 4941 7671 0929
  20. Пока с полтыка так сделать не получится. В FireMonkey есть возможность написать свой презентацию для андроида, которая позволит по крайней мере использовать Z-Order между нативными вьюшками. Но это задача очень сложная для обычных пользователей. Все FMX контролы рисуются на SurfaceView. Поэтому как бы вы ни пытались, все обычные стилевые контролы всегда буду на вьюшке. А остальные нативные либо поверх, либо за формой.
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