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Показан контент с высокой репутацией 21.04.2017 во всех областях

  1. The March winner of the Embarcadero Cool App Contest is the Mimix 3D Profile Scanner by intricad. I looked at this app a few years ago, and found it pretty impressive then. It uses a really cool technique to capture a 3D impression with only your monitor and a standard webcam. Mimix 3D Profile Scanner Personal allows you to make 3D impressions using your webcam and PC monitor screen. mimix 3D Profile Scanner Personal uses a set of 4 black and white patterns which are projected by your computer screen while your camera captures the images of your face in front of the screen. The images are then processed to reveal a 3D impression. Under proper lighting conditions mimix 3D can capture scenes and objects with incredible detail recovery. The trick is to be in a very dark room, and have a good webcam and bright screen. After the scan you can create cool effects by relighting the scene or 3D print your impression. It is built for Windows using Delphi, VCL, TMS Components, Eurekalog and ShellBrowser. Check out the video or download the free scanner for yourself! [YoutubeButton url='https://youtu.be/3L7TjscXpCI'] Be sure to enter you cool app for a chance to win a $500 gift card. New winners every month! Просмотр полной статьи
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  2. По 1-му вопросу для MacOS: function CheckRunning: Boolean; var sl: TStringList; iCount: Integer; s: String; begin sl := TStringList.Create; try GetRunningAplications(sl); iCount := 0; for s in sl do if SameText(s, APP_BundleID) then // APP_BundleID - константа с BundleID приложения Inc(iCount); Exit(iCount < 2) finally sl.Free; end; end; procedure GetRunningAplications(AList: TStrings); var WorkSpace: NSWorkSpace; App: NSRunningApplicationEx; i: Integer; list: NSArray; begin WorkSpace := TNsWorkspace.Wrap(TNsWorkSpace.OCClass.SharedWorkspace); list := Workspace.runningApplications; if (list <> nil) and (list.count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to list.count-1 do begin App := TNSRunningApplicationEx.Wrap(list.objectAtIndex(i)); if App.bundleIdentifier <> nil then AList.Add(string(App.bundleIdentifier.UTF8String)) else AList.Add(String(App.executableURL.path.UTF8String)); end; end; end; Ответ на 3-ий вопрос сам уже долго ищу
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  3. Под Android я делаю так. Вставляю изначально файл БД в Deploy. Потом вызываю при необходимости процедуру procedure TForm1.RefreshBD; { TODO -cKod : RefreshBD - обновление БД } var PackageName: JString; zip: TZipFile; begin // Отключаемся от базы FDConnection1.Connected := False; // Получаем имя apk файла PackageName := SharedActivityContext.getPackageResourcePath; if TFile.Exists(JStringToString(PackageName)) then begin // Удаляем старый файл базы TFile.Delete(TPath.GetHomePath + PathDelim + 'DBGK.db'); // Извлекаем новый файл базы zip := TZipFile.Create; zip.Open(JStringToString(PackageName), TZipMode.zmRead); zip.Extract('assets/internal/DBGK.db', TPath.GetDocumentsPath, False); zip.Close; zip.free; end; // Подключаемся к базе FDConnection1.Connected := True; end; Под iOS вставляю в ресурсы, потом вот так procedure TForm1.RefreshBD; { TODO -cKod : RefreshBD - обновление БД } begin // Отключаемся от базы FDConnection1.Connected := False; if FindResource(0, 'res_bd', PChar(RT_RCDATA)) <> 0 then rs_bd := TResourceStream.Create(0,'res_bd',PChar(RT_RCDATA)); if TFile.Exists(TPath.GetHomePath+PathDelim+'Documents'+PathDelim +'dbgkios.db') then begin TFile.Delete(TPath.GetHomePath+PathDelim+'Documents'+PathDelim +'dbgkios.db'); rs_bd.SaveToFile(TPath.GetHomePath+PathDelim+'Documents'+PathDelim +'dbgkios.db'); end else begin rs_bd.SaveToFile(TPath.GetHomePath+PathDelim+'Documents'+PathDelim +'dbgkios.db'); end; FDConnection1.Connected := True; end;
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