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  1. Woll2Woll’s BEAM (Beacon External Advanced Mapper) is the missing feature for RAD Server’s BeaconFence technology and the March 2018 Winner of our Cool App contest. With RAD Server and BeaconFence it is easy to create an application that accurately tracks indoor location. Using the IDE map layout editor you place beacons on your floor plan, and then your app can accurately track its location through the map. That is where Woll2Woll’s BEAM technology comes in. It makes it easy to let your end users edit and create their own maps for use with your BeaconFence app. This flexibility makes your apps so much more flexible and powerful. You can build your app around BeaconFence without concern about the specifics of the location where it will be used. Then with BEAM it can be updated to based on beacon placement and the floor plan. Beyond BeaconFence and FireMonkey BEAM also makes use of Woll2Woll’s amazing FirePower components to round out its user interface. According to Roy Wall of Woll2Woll software, “BEAM uses RAD Studio’s FireMonkey so it is a universal application that shines in both usability and performance . . . with a common codebase it is trivial to add advanced features with a single development team.” The great thing is BEAM is available on iOS, macOS, Windows, and Android, supporting touch input as well as keyboard and mouse. It is in all the major App stores. BEAM was developed by Roy Woll of Woll2Woll software. You can find more information on Woll2Woll’s website and while you are there check out some of Woll2Woll’s other great products like FirePower. [YoutubeButton url='https://youtu.be/1C5VLJ3EIm8'] Interested in submitting for the Embarcadero’s Cool App contest? It’s open to any business or consumer application built with RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder. Embarcadero awards Cool App contest winners a $500 Amazon gift card and winning submissions are also highlighted on the company’s YouTube channel. For more information on the contest and a link to the submission form, click here. Просмотр полной статьи
  2. It was a busy summer. There has been so much happening lately that it is difficult to decide where to start. Earlier this year we launched the milestone RAD Studio 10.2 (aka Tokyo). This August we released Update 10.2.1 that provided a number of highly anticipated quality and feature updates. So, what happened with the BIG September release? As stated before, we are no longer looking for the next BIG release. We want to provide customers the functionality that they need when it is ready and continue to constantly evolve the product ALL the time. We did 10.2.1 in August, but this week you should be looking for the iOS 11 update. We want to make it easier to stay on the latest release and deliver value more often. We do have more work to remove the re-installation requirement altogether, but that is not a small task with almost 70K files involved. The good news is that upgrades today are more seamless and our Product and R&D teams received a lot of acolytes for that. The Linux support is a huge milestone and there is a lot more in 10.2.1 for both mobile and Windows. Our marketing published an awesome magazine to celebrate the progress made with Delphi over the last 22 years… I encouraged many of our developers to share this with their supervisors, who think that Delphi is a thing of the past, many were pleasantly surprised. We are running a nice promo for September that goes with the “22” theme, so check-out the site or speak with your partner. It is a great time to upgrade or expand. The VCL framework continues to evolve. I think that with all the technologies out there, we sometimes forget how good it is, and it is only getting better. High DPI support and improved icons make your apps truly stand-out, and we have plenty of more awesome updates in the works. Lately, we’ve spoken a lot with C++ developers, as we try to increase the awareness for C++Builder. It is amazing how much Delphi developers take for granted. While there are OK visual frameworks that support C++, almost nothing comes close to VCL. I am really excited to continue to educate our C++ community on what we can deliver and of course continue to improve the C++ language support. At the end of August, we released Enterprise Connectors. These make integration of applications built with RAD Studio to the most common enterprise applications, such as SAP, Salesforce, Facebook, and many more, very easy. They use a combination of FireDAC, REST, and CData technologies to make user adoption seamless. I think that these give an incredible competitive edge to our developer community, especially considering the speed of development. It is fast development indeed. Just last week we launched the Embarcadero Academy! Making our products more easily accessible for education and making learning easier is a top priority. I feel that a dedicated education site together with a FREE Starter edition that is available for Education purposes are important steps in this direction. I benefit personally… My thirteen-year-old son is learning Delphi and the Academy is making it easy (and inexpensive)! Visit www.embarcaderoacademy.com and find out for yourself. Most importantly, last month we acquired Sencha. This demonstrates again our broader commitment to Developer Tools. Sencha is the home of Ext JS, which is the premier Enterprise framework for JavaScript development. I am super excited for the Ext JS community. Today there are few independent IT organizations with our resources committed to developers. There are also a lot of immediate benefits for our existing Delphi and C++ developers. Over the years RAD Studio provided many Web development options, but none has had the robustness of our core VCL and FMX frameworks. As Web usage exploded, this has contributed for some in the decline of popularity for Delphi. The Ext JS framework is a match to VCL in terms of sophistication and scalability. There are already several good ways to bridge the technologies. As always, we have really smart partners in our technology ecosystems that have developed deeply integrated solutions (e.g. UniGui, Kitto). Developers can also use Ext JS through the REST API connectivity enabled by RAD Server. We will work with our technology partners to make the integration even more seamless. The product team also just published a roadmap updated for September 2017. It includes plans for the upcoming 10.2.2 and 10.3 releases. There are also details on some research areas R&D is exploring. All of this as we continue our commitment to developers in keeping Delphi, C++Builder, and RAD Studio the premier choice for expert developers everywhere. After a busy summer, we are all preparing for a busier fall. The community is full of ideas, Block Chains, more IoT support options, better TFS integration, and as always many ideas for language features. Our PMs are busy evaluating ideas and working with R&D on specs. We are open to technology partners and MVPs to participate and introduce products that expand our capabilities, Woll2Wall made an awesome Beacon Editor with FMX, the much anticipated FMX Linux Clients are out, there are cool FMX designer ideas, so much more to come. We’ll demonstrate a lot of these during CodeRage coming November 7th. This is going to be a productive fall. Get on 10.2.1 and build some awesome apps! Просмотр полной статьи
  3. Only a few days left - RAD Studio SPECIAL OFFERS!! Act Today! RAD Studio 10.2 "Tokyo" has been around for over three months, generating thousands of downloads. We already implemented several quality patches to further enhance performance. It has never been a better time to join the RAD Studio revolution and deliver to your customers amazing application experiences. We know that the cost of tools is not a huge factor when deciding to upgrade or approaching a new project. It should not be! However, we want to help you make that decision easier and have put together some really attractive promos for June. There are only a few days left… make your decision early next week and save BIG$$$! You will have some left-over for the beach :) ! #1 Buy One RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder Professional and Get One Mobile Add-On Pack for FREE (Up to 703$ in $avings)! Start building cross-platform apps today that will work on Windows, Android, iOS, or Mac. With Update Subscription included you will be one of the first to access our Free Beta for CData Enterprise Connectors, as well as free source code for a variety of apps, from games to complex solution templates. How to to get? Just buy from the PRO license from Web Store, Embarcadero Sales or Partners and use the Serial Number on the Promo Page to get your FREE items. EASY! Contact Sales>> Buy Online >> Find A Partner>> #2 Buy One RAD Studio, Delphi, or C++Builder Architect and Get One Unlimited Users RAD Server (up to 4995$ in $avings) - Unbelievable right? This is a huge one! With Architect you already get an awesome bundle, including the best development suite and additional database modeling tools. Now you get an unlimited RAD Server to deploy. Compared to similar competitive solutions with pricing anywhere from $50 to $100 per user per month, you will be saving thousands and you will get the speed of development and deployment that are unmatched. We did a simple benchmark to build a Salesforce app and the RAD Studio with RAD Server solution was over 10x time less expensive and it took far less time to build. You get a number of bonus features, such as Beacon Fence, Free Source Code for RAD Server Solutions, and Customizable Bootstrap JS Portal. You can check-out Sarina’s latest RAD Server blog for more details, but ACT FAST. This will NOT be available after June. How do you get it? Just buy the Architect license from Web Store, Embarcadero Sales or Partners and use the Serial Number on the Promo Page to get your FREE items. EASY! Contact Sales>> Buy Online >> Find A Partner>> #3 Buy PRO and get 20 IB Licenses! But Enterprise and get 100 IB Licenses! Interbase 2017 is here and you can get variety of options to save big with this promo offer. We recently did a comparison of alternative solutions and IB 2017 delivered the best value, especially if you require Change Controls. If you want a secure and scalable solution IB 2017 is for you Contact Sales>> Buy Online >> Find A Partner>> To learn more about the all special offers that are ENDING SOON (Including terms & Conditions), go to the special offer page. If you have any specific questions or need further help, send me an email (info@embarcadero.com) or leave a comment to this article. Просмотр полной статьи
  4. Появилась статья рассказывающая как подключить сервис для Андроида созданного на паскале к приложению созданному в С++ Builder. Сервис естественно на паскале, хотелось бы сразу правильно начать его модернизировать, а то много времени приходиться тратить на понимание синтаксиса. Опыта создания сервисов для Андроида нет, поэтому возник вопрос... Есть стандартный пример нужного сервиса, который я подключаю к своему приложению: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Multi-Device Samples\Device Sensors and Services\AndroidBeaconServiceDemo В сервисе есть процедура, которая срабатывает когда устройство входит в зону действия маячка beacon: procedure TBeaconServiceDM.Beacon1BeaconEnter(const Sender: TObject; const ABeacon: IBeacon; const CurrentBeaconList: TBeaconList); Я хочу, чтобы эта процедура если сработала, то следующее ее срабатывание стало бы возможно только через 60 минут. Для этой цели планирую завести, в этом сервисе на паскале, глобальную переменную bool и менять ее в таймере. Вопрос такой – правильно ли использовать в сервисе для Андроид компонент TTimer и вообще правильный ли мой подход? Если нет, то как правильно для Андроид сервиса? Спасибо.
  5. Embarcadero Weekly Round-up 8 Products | Free Tools | Events WEEKLY ROUND-UP FOR DEVELOPERS We continue to improve RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder with one central goal in mind: helping you build cross-platform Native Apps faster than ever before and delivering them to the largest audience possible with ease. InterBase 2017 – Now Available InterBase 2017 delivers the fastest version of InterBase yet with new language features, server wide performance monitoring and enhanced transaction handling. Read More! Download InterBase 2017 Now The trial and developer editions of InterBase 2017 are available for free Download the Trial Version Download Free Developer Edition Build IoT enabled apps with RAD Studio ThingConnect IoT device components range from healthcare devices such as heartrate montiors, blood pressure monitors and scales to home automation gadgets like BLE light bulbs, Z-Wave enabled door locks, smart switches, smoke detectors and more. Read More! Webinar: External BeaconFence Mapping Editor Embarcadero’s BeaconFence technology utilizes its Beacon Fencing Map Editor from the RAD Studio IDE, but is not able to run outside of it. Woll2Woll has created an external mapping editor to create XML mapping files Written 100% with the FireMonkey library - Runs on Windows, iOS, Android, and OSX. Register Now! 16 March 2017 Delphi for Linux Boot Camp Replay Just in case you missed the fantastic Delphi for Linux Boot Camp by Craig Chapman last week, or you want to watch it again, here is the replay that includes Marco Cantu's Q&A at the end. Read More! Delphi for Linux RTL units This blog post from Marco Cantu focuses solely on the RTL units that are going to be available in Delphi for the Linux platform. Read More! Key Traits of the Coming Delphi For Linux Compiler In case you missed it: Here are some of the key technical elements of Embarcadero’s new Delphi compiler for the Linux platform. Read More! How to make a RESTful WebBroker app in C++Builder WebBroker (included in Professional edition and up) makes it easy to build a RESTful server. This article shows you how to server data from a database via a REST API with WebBroker and C++Builder. Register Now Просмотр полной статьи
  6. Getting Started with RAD Server What is RAD Server? RAD Server is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying services based applications. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable. RAD Server is easy to develop, deploy and operate making it ideally suited for ISVs and OEMs building re-deployable solutions. RAD Server allows you to take your existing code and convert it to REST API endpoints. RAD Server offers many great features: Multi-Tier Development made easy: Integrations provide out of the box connectivity with external servers, applications and services Quickly Build your UX Forms for Desktop and Mobile platforms in RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder Manage your APIs and users, and analyze utilization and API activity via the built-in RAD Server Application Management Portal Host your RAD Server on an a private “on prem” Windows server or cloud host on Amazon, Rackspace or Azure Clouds Deploy your server-side Delphi and C++ code to RAD Server, creating automatic REST/JSON API endpoints for your clients Connect RAD Server to your Enterprise Databases, Cloud Services and IoT Devices to extend your application A collection of ready to use key built-in services to power your application Includes core functions such as user directory services and user management, push notifications, user location tracking, and built-in data storage Configure user groups and add users via the RAD Server portal or import from LDAP. Assign API access rights to control what functionality different user groups have access to For a full list of features, visit the RAD Server product page. [YoutubeButton url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY0JRJPvjsU'] How does RAD Server compare to DataSnap? Before RAD Server, developers custom built back-end Delphi and C++Builder application servers using server toolkits like DataSnap which provided a few basic server building blocks for multi-tier, but left the vast majority of the development to the developer. Enter RAD Server. With RAD Server, developers can now simply load Delphi and C++ business logic methods into RAD Server, add some users, and go. What technologies does RAD Server include? The developer features for RAD Server included in 10.1 Berlin for developing REST endpoints, Location Tracking and IoT Edgeware are Enterprise Mobility Services, BeaconFence, ThingPoint and ThingConnect. Easy REST API Endpoint Creation, Publishing and Management RAD Server makes it fast and easy to build flexible back-end servers for your multi-tier application solution. Developers simply load Delphi and C++ business logic into the server, and managed REST/JSON API endpoints are generated. To develop REST endpoints for RAD Server, developers use the Enterprise Mobility Services (“EMS”) components listed in the IDE on the Tool Palette under the “Enterprise Mobility Services” category. IoT Enterprise Access Points IoT Edgeware extends the functionality of REST Endpoint Publishing and provides an enterprise access point between remote gadgets and devices. IoT Edgeware allows you to locally store, filter, and compute vast amounts of IoT data collected at the edge while ensuring only critical data is synced with the central repository. To develop IoT Edgeware for RAD Server, developers use ThingPoint which is an extension to EMS and represented with TEMSEdgeService in the “Enterprise Mobility Services” category in the Tool Palette in the IDE. Indoor and Outdoor Location/Proximity Solution Track user movement both indoors and outdoors, and respond to proximity events when users enter or exit custom beacon zones or approach designated beacon points. To develop Location Tracking, developers use the BeaconFence components available as a download through the GetIt Package Manager (via Tools > GetIt Package Manager > Internet of Things). Smart Device IoT Connectivity Framework RAD Server makes it easy to connect a wide array of wireless smart devices and sensors into your application solution, even in remote and difficult to access locations. Developers have access to over 50 pre-built components for many popular healthcare, fitness and home automation Bluetooth LE and Z-Wave IoT devices. To connect IoT devices to clients or RAD Server ThingPoint Edgeware, developers use ThingConnect IoT device components which are available as a download through the GetIt Package Manager (via Tools > GetIt Package Manager > Internet of Things). How is RAD Server licensed? RAD Server is licensed and priced affordably and with a no nonsense license. Either purchase the number of end users required for an application, or purchase a single or multi-site license covering unlimited users for an application. For RAD Server pricing, please click here. How do I start building a RAD Server solution? RAD Server requires an Enterprise or Architect edition of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder 10.1 Berlin. A trial edition of 10.1 Berlin also allows users to evaluate developing services for RAD Server and will include a 5 user RAD Server development trial. This 5 user trial can be used for developing your solution and performing test deployments. Once you are ready to deploy your RAD Server solution in a production environment, you will then follow the steps outlined in the next section and use your paid RAD Server site license. For RAD Server pricing, please click here. There is no separate RAD Server trial as the technologies are available in 10.1 Berlin. Please see the top of this article for additional information. How do I deploy RAD Server in a production environment? We have a great tutorial on our docwiki that provides the steps for deploying RAD Server in a production environment. Step 5 shows a screenshot of where you will need to enter your paid RAD Server site license. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Berlin/en/EMS_Database_Requirements_for_a_Production_Environment For custom resources, you can use a tool like http://www.dependencywalker.com to determine the bpl dependencies of the custom resource. Where can I access Getting Started resources? We invite you to watch our RAD Server Deep Dive webinar replay which is broken down into individual chapters for easy viewing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwUPJvR9mZHgccq4EfTcsCngRqpTmm_wn Replay slides and demo projects shown in the webinar can be downloaded here. You can also find tutorials on the different technologies that are part of RAD Server by following the docwiki links above. For more Getting Started videos, please visit our YouTube Channel. Sample Projects REST Endpoint Publishing https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/NotesResource/ IoT Edgeware https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/ThingPoint%20ThingConnect%20IoT%20Demo/ https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/ThingPoint%20ThingConnect%20IoT%20Demo/ ThingConnect IoT Device Components For each IoT component pack installed through the GetIt Package Manager, you can find sample projects by navigating to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Internet of Things\Object Pascal\Thing Connect Location Tracking After installing the BeaconFence component pack through the GetIt Package Manager, you can find sample projects by navigating to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Internet of Things\Object Pascal\Beacon Fence Where can I view the RAD Server Eula? You can view the RAD Server Eula here. Просмотр полной статьи
  7. We've got a lot of exciting webinars coming in the first quarter of 2017. All these global webinars are offers 3 times a day to accommodate your busy schedule and timezones: 6 AM, 11 AM, 6 PM PDT. Replays will be available after the webinar completes, but be sure to attend for the live Q&A. Thu, January 19, 2017 - Maximize IDE Productivity with 10.1.2 Berlin Are you using all the latest productivity enhancements? Berlin 10.1 Update 2 Anniversary edition introduces more productivity enhancements than ever. This webinar will bring you up to speed on some of the top productivity boosts provided by your favorite IDE. Tue, January 24, 2017 - Migrating to RAD Server "Moving existing Delphi VCL ""Fat Client"" database applications to scalable client/server architectures with RAD Server. Five distinct phases: analyze, plan, refactor, build and deploy The key is building a layered architecture" Thu, January 26, 2017 - Web Front End Frameworks Delphi and C++Builder are amazing at building native multi-platform apps. There are also a great collection for Frameworks for building GUI web applications. This webinar will look at building high performance, feature rich web GUIs with your favorite development tool. Tue, January 31, 2017 - Migration Delphi - Case Studies "This webinar focuses on three areas for migrating legacy Delphi to the current Delphi version: Migrating 3rd Party Components / Libraries Migrating Unicode Migrations of Database and Middleware Includes resources, examples and practical advice" Thu, February 2, 2017 - Internet of Things Integration with RAD Server Overview of the Internet of Things components, libraries and support in RAD Studio. Including Beacons, Bluetooth LE, the GetIt IoT Components, Beacon Fencing and more. Week of Mon, February 6, 2017 - Arduino IoT Bootcamp Integrating Arduino and open hardware into your IoT Solution Week long boot camp More details to come Tue, February 14, 2017 - Modernize or Become Extinct Now is the time to move forward. Technology is moving faster and faster. If you were waiting for the right time to integrate with new technology, it is now. Thu, February 16, 2017 - LiveBinding for VCL Developers A guide to using LiveBindings in existing VCL applications Master detail relationships Creating LiveBindings in Code LiveBinding DataSets Tue, February 21, 2017 - Using TMS Cloud Pack to Integrate Your Apps with the Cloud REST services are everywhere, and using them is the key to accessing the cloud. The TMS Cloud Pack components simplify working with common web services including: PayPal, Flickr, Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twillo and more. Learn the easiest way to integrate the cloud into your mobile and desktop apps. Thu, February 23, 2017 - CaseStudy: Delphi Minifig Mobile App Success Join Delphi Product Manager Marco Cantu for a case study of his successful mini-figure collectors app Available on mobile, using many Delphi and RAD Studio technologies Tue, February 28, 2017 - C++ the C++Builder Way Thu, March 2, 2017 - DevExpress Migration Tue, March 7, 2017 - Beyond Firebird Thu, March 9, 2017 - Building a Microservices Architecture with RAD Server Tue, March 14, 2017 - From Really "Old Delphi" to the Future Thu, March 16, 2017 - Using RiverSoft AVG Components Tue, March 21, 2017 - Advanced HTTP Protocol Hacking Thu, March 23, 2017 - Using JVESoft Components Schedule subject to change, more details to come! Просмотр полной статьи
  8. 20% Off Architect + FREE RAD Server Site License (worth $5000) As part of the current RAD Studio Architect Offer, you will get a free site license of RAD Server, an additional $5000 value. The offer ends December 21st, 2016. The offer is valid with a purchase of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder 10.1 Berlin Architect named user new license or upgrade. It is not valid with a purchase of Add-On Packs, Starter editions, 5-packs, 10-packs Academic, network named or concurrent licenses. This great offer also extends to our current Amnesty promotion. Upgrade to Berlin Architect now from an older version and get a free RAD Server Site License. Customers on Update Subscription can also take advantage of our free Bonus Pack Promotion ($899 Value). What is RAD Server? RAD Server is a turn-key application foundation for rapidly building and deploying services based applications. RAD Server enables developers to quickly build new application back-ends or migrate existing Delphi or C++ client/server business logic to a modern services based architecture that is open, stateless, secure and scalable. RAD Server is easy to develop, deploy and operate making it ideally suited for ISVs and OEMs building re-deployable solutions. RAD Server allows you to take your existing code and convert it to REST API endpoints. RAD Server offers many great features: Multi-Tier Development made easy: Integrations provide out of the box connectivity with external servers, applications and services Quickly Build your UX Forms for Desktop and Mobile platforms in RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder Manage your APIs and users, and analyze utilization and API activity via the built-in RAD Server Application Management Portal Host your RAD Server on an a private “on prem” Windows server or cloud host on Amazon, Rackspace or Azure Clouds Deploy your server-side Delphi and C++ code to RAD Server, creating automatic REST/JSON API endpoints for your clients Connect RAD Server to your Enterprise Databases, Cloud Services and IoT Devices to extend your application A collection of ready to use key built-in services to power your application Includes core functions such as user directory services and user management, push notifications, user location tracking, and built-in data storage Configure user groups and add users via the RAD Server portal or import from LDAP. Assign API access rights to control what functionality different user groups have access to For a full list of features, visit the RAD Server product page. [YoutubeButton url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY0JRJPvjsU'] How does RAD Server compare to DataSnap? Before RAD Server, developers custom built back-end Delphi and C++Builder application servers using server toolkits like DataSnap which provided a few basic server building blocks for multi-tier, but left the vast majority of the development to the developer. Enter RAD Server. With RAD Server, developers can now simply load Delphi and C++ business logic methods into RAD Server, add some users, and go. What technologies does RAD Server include? The developer features for RAD Server included in 10.1 Berlin for developing REST endpoints, Location Tracking and IoT Edgeware are Enterprise Mobility Services, BeaconFence, ThingPoint and ThingConnect. Easy REST API Endpoint Creation, Publishing and Management RAD Server makes it fast and easy to build flexible back-end servers for your multi-tier application solution. Developers simply load Delphi and C++ business logic into the server, and managed REST/JSON API endpoints are generated. To develop REST endpoints for RAD Server, developers use the Enterprise Mobility Services (“EMS”) components listed in the IDE on the Tool Palette under the “Enterprise Mobility Services” category. IoT Enterprise Access Points IoT Edgeware extends the functionality of REST Endpoint Publishing and provides an enterprise access point between remote gadgets and devices. IoT Edgeware allows you to locally store, filter, and compute vast amounts of IoT data collected at the edge while ensuring only critical data is synced with the central repository. To develop IoT Edgeware for RAD Server, developers use ThingPoint which is an extension to EMS and represented with TEMSEdgeService in the “Enterprise Mobility Services” category in the Tool Palette in the IDE. Indoor and Outdoor Location/Proximity Solution Track user movement both indoors and outdoors, and respond to proximity events when users enter or exit custom beacon zones or approach designated beacon points. To develop Location Tracking, developers use the BeaconFence components available as a download through the GetIt Package Manager (via Tools > GetIt Package Manager > Internet of Things). Smart Device IoT Connectivity Framework RAD Server makes it easy to connect a wide array of wireless smart devices and sensors into your application solution, even in remote and difficult to access locations. Developers have access to over 50 pre-built components for many popular healthcare, fitness and home automation Bluetooth LE and Z-Wave IoT devices. To connect IoT devices to clients or RAD Server ThingPoint Edgeware, developers use ThingConnect IoT device components which are available as a download through the GetIt Package Manager (via Tools > GetIt Package Manager > Internet of Things). What does a single site license offer? Single Site Deployment Single Server Backend Unlimited Users and Devices REST Endpoint Publishing Integration Middleware Application Services How do I start building a RAD Server solution using the Architect edition? RAD Studio Architect includes a 5 user RAD Server development trial. This 5 user trial can be used for developing your solution and performing test deployments. Once you are ready to deploy your RAD Server solution in a production environment, you will then follow the steps outlined in the next section and use the RAD Server site license provided with our current Architect edition promotion. There is no separate RAD Server trial as the technologies are available in 10.1 Berlin. Please see the top of this article for additional information. How do I deploy RAD Server in a production environment? We have a great tutorial on our docwiki that provides the steps for deploying RAD Server in a production environment. Step 5 shows a screenshot of where you will need to enter the RAD Server site license provided as part of your Architect purchase. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Berlin/en/EMS_Database_Requirements_for_a_Production_Environment For custom resources, you can use a tool like http://www.dependencywalker.com to determine the bpl dependencies of the custom resource. Where can I access Getting Started resources? We invite you to watch our RAD Server Deep Dive webinar replay which is broken down into individual chapters for easy viewing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwUPJvR9mZHgccq4EfTcsCngRqpTmm_wn Replay slides and demo projects shown in the webinar can be downloaded here. You can also find tutorials on the different technologies that are part of RAD Server by following the docwiki links above. For more Getting Started videos, please visit our YouTube Channel. Sample Projects REST Endpoint Publishing https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/NotesResource/ IoT Edgeware https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/ThingPoint%20ThingConnect%20IoT%20Demo/ https://sourceforge.net/p/radstudiodemos/code/HEAD/tree/branches/RADStudio_Berlin/Object%20Pascal/Multi-Device%20Samples/EMS/ThingPoint%20ThingConnect%20IoT%20Demo/ ThingConnect IoT Device Components For each IoT component pack installed through the GetIt Package Manager, you can find sample projects by navigating to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Internet of Things\Object Pascal\Thing Connect Location Tracking After installing the BeaconFence component pack through the GetIt Package Manager, you can find sample projects by navigating to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\Internet of Things\Object Pascal\Beacon Fence Where can I view the RAD Server Eula? You can view the RAD Server Eula here. Note: RAD Server requires an Enterprise or Architect edition of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder 10.1 Berlin. A trial edition of 10.1 Berlin also allows users to evaluate developing services for RAD Server and will include a 5 user RAD Server development trial. This article focuses on RAD Server and the Architect edition, since you get a free site license with a purchase of RAD Studio Architect until 12-21-16. Просмотр полной статьи
  9. Kitty


    По этой ссылке, есть пример с кодом, движения человека относительно маячка и реакция на это: https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/developer-skill-sprint-proximity-awareness-with-beacons Используется событие маячка OnBeaconBeaconProximity (TBeaconProximity::Immediate, TBeaconProximity::Near, TBeaconProximity::Far, TBeaconProximity::Away) Мой эксперимент показал, что маячок может просто лежать на столе и произойдет многократно какое-то событие в зависимости от расстояния (TBeaconProximity::Immediate или TBeaconProximity::Near...). Т.е. в течении несколько секунд может произойти одно и то же событие. Какой правильный подход применить, чтобы отсечь лишние сработки в OnBeaconBeaconProximity? Может надо вычислять расстояние и как-то отсекать повторные не нужные сработки?: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Berlin/en/System.Beacon.IBeacon.Distance Просто хочется узнать правильный подход. Спасибо.
  10. Тогда беру код из документации: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Berlin/en/FMX.MediaLibrary.IFMXPhotoLibrary.AddImageToSavedPhotosAlbum #include <FMX.MediaLibrary.hpp> //*** if (TPlatformServices::Current->SupportsPlatformService(__uuidof(IFMXPhotoLibrary), &Service))//<-- ошибка { Service->AddImageToSavedPhotosAlbum(Image1->Bitmap); } А он выдает почему то ошибки компиляции: [bcciosarm Error] UnitCamera.cpp(42): cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'System::Beacon::TKindofScanFilter' [bcciosarm Error] UnitCamera.cpp(44): member reference type 'System::Beacon::TKindofScanFilter' is not a pointer Комментирую код и ошибка пропадает...
  11. Согласно документации из PDF собиралась реализовать звонок по клику по метке. Первое, что надо сделать это добавить: #include <FMX.Platform.hpp> #include <FMX.PhoneDialer.hpp> После этого приложение перестает запускаться, падает на заставке. Если закомментировать строку #include <FMX.PhoneDialer.hpp> то приложение снова нормально запускается. Как исправить? Может важен порядок файлов? Сейчас так: #include <System.Classes.hpp> #include <FMX.Controls.hpp> #include <FMX.Forms.hpp> #include <FMX.ExtCtrls.hpp> #include <FMX.Layouts.hpp> #include <FMX.Types.hpp> #include <FMX.Controls.Presentation.hpp> #include <FMX.Memo.hpp> #include <FMX.ScrollBox.hpp> #include <FMX.StdCtrls.hpp> #include <FMX.Objects.hpp> #include <System.Beacon.Components.hpp> #include <System.Beacon.hpp> #include <System.Bluetooth.hpp> #include <System.Notification.hpp> #include <FMX.Platform.hpp> //#include <FMX.PhoneDialer.hpp> //если убрать комментарий приложение сразу падает //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TForm1 : public TForm { //*** С++ Builder 10.1 Update 1.
  12. Попробовала этот код вставив в него работу TBeacon: unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Platform, BackgroundTaskManager, System.Beacon, System.Bluetooth, System.Beacon.Components; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Timer1: TTimer; Beacon1: TBeacon; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure Beacon1BeaconEnter(const Sender: TObject; const ABeacon: IBeacon; const CurrentBeaconList: TBeaconList); procedure Beacon1BeaconExit(const Sender: TObject; const ABeacon: IBeacon; const CurrentBeaconList: TBeaconList); private FManager: TBackgroundTaskManager; function ApplicationEventHandler(AAppEvent: TApplicationEvent; AContext: TObject): Boolean; procedure SetApplicationEventHandler; procedure Start; procedure Stop; procedure TaskExpiryHandler(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} uses FMX.Helpers.iOS; { TForm1 } procedure TForm1.Beacon1BeaconEnter(const Sender: TObject; const ABeacon: IBeacon; const CurrentBeaconList: TBeaconList); begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Вход'); end; procedure TForm1.Beacon1BeaconExit(const Sender: TObject; const ABeacon: IBeacon; const CurrentBeaconList: TBeaconList); begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Выход'); end; constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; SetApplicationEventHandler; FManager := TBackgroundTaskManager.Create; FManager.OnExpiry := TaskExpiryHandler; Beacon1.Enabled := True; end; destructor TForm1.Destroy; begin FManager.Free; inherited; end; procedure TForm1.SetApplicationEventHandler; var LService: IFMXApplicationEventService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXApplicationEventService, LService) then LService.SetApplicationEventHandler(ApplicationEventHandler); end; procedure TForm1.Start; begin FManager.Start; Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Time left: %.2f', [SharedApplication.backgroundTimeRemaining])); Beacon1.Enabled := True; Timer1.Tag := 0; Timer1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TForm1.Stop; begin Timer1.Enabled := False; FManager.Stop; end; procedure TForm1.TaskExpiryHandler(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Oops! Expired'); end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.TagFloat := Timer1.TagFloat + Timer1.Interval / 1000; Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Hopefully still running - %.0f', [Timer1.TagFloat])); if Timer1.TagFloat > 200 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Been running long enough..'); Stop; end; end; function TForm1.ApplicationEventHandler(AAppEvent: TApplicationEvent; AContext: TObject): Boolean; begin case AAppEvent of TApplicationEvent.EnteredBackground: begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Entered Background'); Start; Result := True; end; TApplicationEvent.WillBecomeForeground: begin Stop; Memo1.Lines.Add('Becoming foreground, so I told iOS that I am not running a background task any more'); Result := True; end; else Result := False; end; end; end. Тестирование показало, что при переводе приложения в фон, сразу происходит выход из зоны т.е. TBeacon перестает работать в фоне. А тут в документации говориться, что TBeacon работает в фоне: https://developer.apple.com/ibeacon/Getting-Started-with-iBeacon.pdf Q: If my app starts monitoring beacon regions, how will that affect battery performance? A : iOS devices that support iBeacon can efficiently monitor iBeacon regions in the background with marginal power drain. Monitoring iBeacon regions is significantly less power demanding than running normal location updates constantly in the background. Не понятно почему не работает...
  13. Возникла задача обработки телеметрии BLE маячков для построения пространственной карты. За пару дней собрал приложение для «ловли» маячков. Производится сбор всей телеметрии с маячков, которую обрабатывает компонент TBeacon. Данные можно передать в виде текста в другое приложение или отправить вложением по почте. Сейчас приложение Можно скачать в Google Play. Для платформ Windows качать здесь (SimpleBeaconTelemetry.exe.zip). Просьба протестировать у себя на устройствах. Код элементарный, если кому-то нужен, могу выложить сюда (SimpleBeaconTelemetry.zip).
  14. Тестировалось с помощью стандартного примера: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\Samples\CPP\Multi-Device Samples\Device Sensors and Services\Bluetooth\Beacons\Simple Beacon Demo События не происходят.
  15. TBeacon не работает в iOS. События входа-выхода в зону Beacon1BeaconEnter-Beacon1BeaconExit не происходят. Технологию Beacon придумала apple, вроде как родное. В студии не работает этот функционал...
  16. Читаю статью и такой вопрос - а можно ли при обновлении поменять также имя пакета com.embarcadero.$(ModuleName). Например на другое ru.beacon.$(ModuleName) Или имя пакета при обновлении менять нельзя?
  17. Так как приложение называется в AppStore? Просто утонул в выдаче по запросу iBeacon. UPD: нашел Locate Beacon.
  18. Я же писал, что приложение, рано или поздно будет убито. Для длительных операций только сервис! Есть несколько известных мне вариантов, заставить приложение (без сервиса) дольше висеть в памяти: 1) Приложение на переднем плане с отключением блокировки экрана (сна устройства) (Так пишут игры) 2) Вывести постоянный нотификейшен на устройстве, пока он весит, приоритет у приложения повышен По поводу ловли событий "бекона" в фоне или вообще не запущенном приложении. Попробуйте разобраться, как такое реализовано в библиотеке Android Beacon Library. Ап. Судя по всему, всё завязано на BroadcastReceiver и сервисах: <receiver android:name="org.altbeacon.beacon.startup.StartupBroadcastReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED"/> <action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED"/> </intent-filter> </receiver> Зажимая кнопку, вы видите список последних запущенных приложений. Т.е. какие-то приложения могут работать и в фоне, в момент просмотра списка, а другие уже будут выгружены из памяти.
  19. Большое спасибо всем за интересное обсуждение этой новой технологии! Вот это и является для меня сложным - понять как при входе в зону, телефон сам видя это и понимая это, начинает стучать на сервер... Вот статью бы на эту тему. Я пробовала. Вроде изменений не заметила. Где-то читала, что это для служб надо устанавливать. Я их скачала. Судя из видео они для создания пользовательских зон. http://www.fmxexpress.com/visually-design-zones-and-maps-using-beacon-fence-solution-for-delphi-xe8-firemonkey/ Видeо Байрама не много устарело. Он там говорит, что с этой технологией проблемы у андроида. Но сейчас все эти проблемы разрешены. Я заинтересовалась этой технологией насмотревшись видео Кульгина. Он штампует видео про iBeacon как пирожки. Сегодня новое выпустил Кстати Berlin и его компонент TBeacon поддерживает и стандарт Eddystone.
  20. По порядку: 1. Сервис поможет работать с датчиками, не запуская приложение, если это нужно делать скрыто без участия пользователя. Даже, если приложение выгружено из памяти, сервис обработает нужные сообщения с датчиков и сети (если нужно PUSH с сервера получить). Ну это все выше обсудили вроде. 2. Другой вариант, прописать в Manifest BroadCastReceiver, слушать события типа (TJBluetoothDevice.JavaClass.ACTION_FOUND or TJBluetoothAdapter.JavaClass.ACTION_SCAN_MODE_CHANGED, могу ошибаться с BLE не работал). Приложение само будет запускаться (не открываться основная активити, а запускаться в памяти), когда система будет отлавливать эти события и передавать приложению. Вот только не уверен, что система их будет ловить, если датчик BLE ни какое приложение не будоражит, и он уснет. Я бы делал первый пункт и второй вместе. 3. Программно включать и выключать BlueTooth не есть хороший тон с точки зрения безопасности, если Гугл это еще не закрыли, то наверное закроют через время. Но в целом, это этическая сторона, а как это делается технически, можно посмотреть здесь. 4. Если у вас есть модуль «Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\source\rtl\net\System.Bluetooth», то в нем есть все, что нужно для работы с BLE. Осталось разобраться, как обрабатывать сообщения на ваших устройствах iOS или Android, как сделать так, чтобы датчики не спали и читали входящие и т.п. 5. В Tools→Getit PM есть компоненты Beacon Fence (BeaconZonesFencing, BeaconMapFencing). Кто-нибудь их смотрел? Судя по описанию, они решают задачу собственно технологии Beacon Fence. Очень интересно узнать, что в итоге получится у Kitty или кого-то еще из этого коллективного обсуждения.
  21. Andrey Efimov


    Geofencing <> BeaconFence Geofencing - основана на вычислении примерного местоположения, используя вышки мобильных операторов. BeaconFence - предлагает сделать "вышки" самостоятельно, из Beacon маячков. p.s. Вот ваша тема по BeaconFence
  22. Мой опыт создания приложения для андроида в С++ Builder Берлин. Приложение предназначено для контроля прихода-ухода персонала на работу. Знакомый руководитель стоматологического центра попросил. Использовался этот маячок beacon: Bytereal-iBeacon Обязанности сотрудника при приходе и уходе с работы: - сотрудник запускаем мобильное приложение - далее подносит телефон к маячку Мобильное приложение фиксирует отметку в базу данных SQL lite. Уведомляет пользователя в интерфейсе программы и дополнительным push уведомлением. Отметки можно посмотреть на самом телефоне или выслать руководителю по почте. Телефон превращается во что-то вроде магнитной карты учета прихода-ухода с хранением данных. Интерфейс на прилагаемом рисунке. Что положительного: - Задача решена быстро на с++ и не надо тратить время на изучение чего-то другого. Для корпоративного решения то, что нужно. - Студия упала во время разработки только два раза. В С++ Builder XE6-7 при наличии достаточного кол-ва кода в проекте для андроида студия падала каждые две минуты. - Учитывая стоимость маячков это перспективная линия для всякого рода приложений связанных с биконами. Положительный опыт. Что отрицательного: - При попытке активировать TFDQuery в инспекторе объектов, возникает ошибка LiveBindings и уже нельзя сохранить проект. Только закрытие без сохранения и повторное открытие студии. - Не удалось показать картинку на вкладке История. В дизайнере она есть, на устройстве странным образом исчезает. Не победила. - Попытка удалить StyleBook и затем настроить новый, привела к тому, что в дизайнере все отлично, а на устройстве стилизация полностью исчезает. Не победила. Спасла резервная копия приложения. - Были мысли расширить приложение, но в текущей версии C++ Builder невозможно создавать сервисы для андроида. Наличие сервиса позволило бы дополнительный не гласный контроль. Например, если человек отлучился уже в течение рабочего дня. Судя по дорожной карте и в следующей версии С++ Builder 10.2 в пролете создания сервисов для андроида. Выводы: Больше всего времени я тратила не на программирование, а на пункты из отрицательного. Пытаясь понять, что происходит, но безуспешно. Поскольку задача все же решена то, в общем, все хорошо, но без полного ощущения счастья. Просьба: Может что-то посоветуете еще по функционалу или интерфейсу для приложения такого типа? Может, есть что-то полезное, что можно добавить в такой тип мобильного приложения? Спасибо.
  23. Полагаю, что на этом поприще на Firemonkey вы первая Вообще тема Beacon очень интересная.
  24. Kitty


    Если применять эти устройства по прямому назначению, то как, например, показать покупателю в магазине, что есть акция на шкаф? Вот в магазине два покупателя. Один только зашёл, второй возле шкафа. Первому надо прислать сообщение в каком отделе шкаф, а второму подробные детали акции и скидки. В этой схеме есть сервер: http://my-beacon.ru/primenenie-ibeacon Эти сообщения должны храниться на этом сервере? На телефоне происходит, к примеру, событие входа в зону маячка, а событие читать с сервера или как?
  25. Kitty


    Спасибо. Нашла схему: http://my-beacon.ru/primenenie-ibeacon Значит продавец выходит из магазина и на сервер отправляем событие. Судя по всему это не подходит для задачи контроля людей. Продавец может оставить телефон на рабочем месте и пойти гулять без телефона.
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