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Достижения LaurentC.

  1. Hello, There is anyway to use/set by default the latest android theme for progress dialog and activity dialog? It's using Android 2.0 theme! To get the latest OS theme I had to change this function on FGX.ProgressDialog.Android.pas as follow: (For your info, I'm using fgx_0.7.1.114) procedure TAndroidNativeActivityDialog.RecreateNativeDialog; var ThemeID: Integer; begin if IsNativeDialogCreated then FNativeDialog.setOnCancelListener(nil); FNativeDialog := nil; case Theme of TfgDialogTheme.Auto: ThemeID := GetNativeTheme(Owner); TfgDialogTheme.Dark: ThemeID := TJAlertDialog.JavaClass.THEME_DEVICE_DEFAULT_DARK; //Was before: ThemeID := TJAlertDialog.JavaClass.THEME_DEFAULT_DARK; TfgDialogTheme.Light: ThemeID := TJAlertDialog.JavaClass.THEME_DEVICE_DEFAULT_LIGHT; //Was before: ThemeID := TJAlertDialog.JavaClass.THEME_DEFAULT_LIGHT; else ThemeID := GetNativeTheme(Owner); end; CallInUIThreadAndWaitFinishing(procedure begin FNativeDialog := TJProgressDialog.JavaClass.init(TAndroidHelper.Context, ThemeID); end); end;
  2. Hello, First of all congrats for this excellent component! There is a little bug which occurs when creating TfgProgressDialog/TfgActivityDialog after using a MessageDlg, the progress dialog / activity dialog appears for a second then disappears. here a sample of code: if not m_obtMgr.IsBLEEnabled then begin DoShowMessage(siLang1.GetText('RS_OperationAborted') + #13 + siLang1.GetText('RS_BluetoothDisabled')); Exit; end; gDialogStatus := -1; MessageDlg(siLang1.GetText('RS_FMWakeUpAllConfirm'), TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbYes, TMsgDlgBtn.mbNo], 0, procedure (const AResult: TModalResult) begin case AResult of mrYes : gDialogStatus := 0; else gDialogStatus := 1; end; end); while (gDialogStatus < 0) do StartYield; if gDialogStatus = 0 then begin gProgressDialog := TfgProgressDialog.Create(self); gProgressDialog.Title := siLang1.GetText('RS_dialogWakeUpInProgress'); gProgressDialog.Message := siLang1.GetText('RS_DialogPleaseWait'); gProgressDialog.Theme := TfgDialogTheme.Dark; gProgressDialog.Cancellable := True; gProgressDialog.OnCancel := AdvCancelButtonClick; gProgressDialog.Kind := TfgProgressDialogKind.Determinated; gProgressDialog.ResetProgress; gProgressDialog.Max := round(Duration/1000); gProgressDialog.show; WkUpTimer.OnTimer := OnWkUpTimer; WkUpTimer.Interval := 1000; WkUpTimer.Enabled := true; while (gProgressDialog.Progress < gProgressDialog.Max) do startYield; WkUpTimer.Enabled := false; gProgressDialog.Hide; ResetScan; etc....
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